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~ Third Person POV ~ 

Jimin was going to leave but after thinking for quite a while, he decided to stay and wait in the waiting room for his surgery to be over.

After going to the main desk and asking them to notify him when Jungkook was done, he took a seat in the waiting room. 

Jimin threw his head back on the chair, groaning a bit as he wondered how long it actually would take. Or when he'd be in good enough condition to visit. 

He threw his head back up and grabbed his phone. He played sodoku on his phone and waited for about an hour until his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello?" Jimin questioned. 

"Hey, Jimin. Can I ask you for a favor?" Yoongi asked, irritation clear in his voice. 

"Sure, what is it?" Jimin replied, chuckling a bit. 

"Please, can you kill Taehyung when you get home?" He questioned. Jimin raised an eyebrow and sighed. 

"What did he do this time?" Jimin questioned. 

"Well, for starters, he woke me up early this morning by calling me about 20 freaking times. Then he came over uninvited with Hoseok, and to top it all off, he ate all of my leftovers from the cafe we all went to."

Yoongi sighed, deeply irritated, before continuing, "Oh, and he threw my favorite chain out the window, so, yeah," Jimin took in the information as Yoongi spoke. He laughed at how stupid Taehyung could be and calmed himself before speaking again. 

"Is he still at your house?" Jimin chuckled. 

"Yeah, I'm hiding in my room but they're ruining my living room. I can't stand these two," Yoongi said annoyed. 

"Why did they come over?" Jimin questioned, unsure as to whether he should leave them there or get them to leave. 

"They said the walls were too thin at the dorms and some people were hosting a shit party," He sighed, Jimin could practically feel his eyes rolling. Jimin chuckled and rubbed his forehead. 

"You should go out there and scream at them. Trust me, it'll freak them out and if you just tell them to leave, they will probably go. Tae is pretty simple," Jimin spoke knowing much about the boy he spent every day with. His obnoxious roommate.

A small ruffle could be heard as Yoongi put the phone down on his bed and stood up. He opened the door and walked into the living room. The two boys were fumbling around and looking for a movie. They looked up at him with a smile. He kept his 'resting bitch face' on and took a deep breath in. 

"JAAAAYYYY HOOOOOOOOPEE" Yoongi screamed. Jimin could hear it from the other side of the phone and began to chuckle. 

The boys looked at Yoongi, clearly scared by the sudden volume. 

"TAAAEEEEEHYYUUUUNGG" Yoongi yelled again. The boys looked a bit more scared than before and stood up. Gulping, Taehyung spoke. 

"Yes?" He spoke softly. 

"I will give you one minute to get out of my house. If you and Hoseok are not gone by then, I will throw you out the window like you did to my chain," He smiled and chuckled like a child throughout the statement, giving it a new kind of scary feeling. The boys looked at each other and quickly gathered their things. They rushed out as Yoongi smiled. 

"Bye~ See you at school~," He said sweetly as they closed the door, waving from the top stairs. He sighed and went back to the phone. 

"Thank you," Yoongi sighed as he flopped onto his bed. 

"No problem, but did you really need to call me to know that you should yell at them?" Jimin questioned. 

"Well, I figured you'd be bored anyway. Since you texted the group chat that he was going into surgery today," Yoongi stated. 

"Yeah, I kinda was, so thanks, I guess,"  Jimin chuckled. 

"It's meh, I was getting pretty annoyed by them and had nothing else to do so, why not? You know," Yoongi sounded a bit tired while speaking. 

"Does someone need a nap?" Jimin spoke as though he were talking to a child. Yoongi scoffed before answering. 

"I'm not your donsaeng," He sounded annoyed. Jimin chuckled causing Yoongi to smile from the other side. 

"Whatever, just get some rest,"  Jimin sighed, still chuckling. 

"Aish, you idiot," Yoongi added. Jimin was about to retaliate when he heard someone say his name. 

"Jimin? Please come here," A doctor asked. 

"Alright," He told the doctor then turned back to the phone, "I have to go Yoongi, bye."

"Wait-" He hung up the phone, cutting off Yoongi and walked to the doctor. 

"Is he done?" Jimin asked excitedly. 

"Well, yes and no. I have good and bad news for you," He spoke. Jimin became serious and looked at the doctor, bracing himself. 

"The good news is that we were able to remove the main tumor very quickly. The bad news is how in doing so, a nerve or two was hit in his brain.

In short terms, the tumor was keeping him alive yet killing him at the same time. He only has about a week left... I'm sorry," Jimin gawked at the nurse, assuming that it was a cruel joke. 

"You're kidding, right?" Jimin chuckled bitterly, biting his lip. The nurse shook her head. Jimin's footing faltered for a moment, he grabbed onto the wall to support him. The nurse put her hand on his back and searched for his eyes. 

"You can go see him if you want, in light of the-" Jimin didn't need to hear more as he stumbled off, almost drunkenly to Jungkook's room. As he neared the room, his pace picking up, his mind becoming more and more concerned. 

Jimin ran in and saw Jungkook lying on his bed. Exhaustion from the surgery clear in his body. He ran over to him and held his hand. Jungkook's eyes were watery and clearly puffy from crying. 

"Jungkookie ah, let's spend this week together. Okay?" Jimin looked at him sweetly. Jungkook looked back at him and pulled him into a hug. 


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