Mothers ( 5 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I smiled brightly and walked closer to her.

"Well, I met a special someone today," I showed her my now coloured tattoo and she smiled brightly as well.

"Oh my goodness! This is great! Who's the lucky guy? When can I meet him? Ah, I'm so happy for you!" She squealed as she hugged me tightly. She pulled back suddenly and looked me in the eyes.

"Your eyes are puffy! Don't tell me you're getting sick. Aigo! And look at your hands," She turned maternal in a millisecond and I chuckled, wanting to get back to Jungkook.

"Anywho, his name is Jeon Jungkook and he is sitting in our living room," I gestured to the living room and she looked at me with wide eyes. She quickly turned around and turned off the burner.

"Do I look presentable? I want to make a good first impression," She began to brush her fingers through her hair and wipe off her outfit.

"You look beautiful, mom," She smiled at my words and grabbed my hands again, causing me to wince.

"Let's clean this quickly," She rushed me to the kitchen sink and washed them, the entire time I was whining about how I could do it myself. She bandaged my hands and told me she was ready to meet him now.

I chuckled at her craziness and led her out to Jungkook. He was now reading a book from our shelf and I smiled at his cute nerdy side.

"Jungkook ah, this is my mom, Mrs. Park. She is very excited to meet you," My mother shook his hand and smiled sweetly at him.

"Tell me a bit about yourself! I'd love to learn more about the boy whom my son will be spending a lot of time with. Jimin, you go finish cooking the kimbap," I nodded as she sat down to talk with Jungkook.

I walked into the kitchen and finished cooking the kimbap. There wasn't much to do. I turned the burner off and walked into the living room again.

Mom was hugging Jungkook and they were smiling happily. Yet, Jungkook had a bright red blush.

"The kimbap is done, and what happened while I was cooking?" My nosy side poked out as I chuckled.

"Nothing that concerns you, I'll go and set the plates up. You two go ahead and sit down at the dining table," She winked at Jungkook before walking into the kitchen and I gave him a puzzled look.

Dinner passed quickly and soon enough Jungkook had to leave. He waved goodbye to my mother and I walked out with him. I leaned on the door frame, deciding to spend the night at my parents'.

"So, are you going to your parents' or the dorms?" I questioned, smiling at our interlocked hands despite my bandages. Both our hands were together as he stood in front of me.

"My parents'. Do you wanna walk to school tomorrow?" He asked, a bunny smile on his face. I nodded vigorously and he giggled. Just before he left, he planted a sweet kiss on my cheek. Causing my entire face to turn into a tomato.

I waved goodbye as he walked down the sidewalk. Once he was out of sight, I walked back in the house. My tomato face greeted my mother as we both squealed.

~ Jungkook's POV ~

I walked home and swung open the screen door. I took out my keys and unlocked the door.

"I'm home!" I shouted, hoping one of my busy parents was home.

"Hello, sweetie! How was school? Did you meet anyone special?" My mother questioned as I walked towards her. She already knew where I had been, but I didn't tell her it was my soulmate's house. Just a house.

"Well, school was great today and I did meet someone special, my soulmate. The person's house I was at was my soulmate's," I avoided male pronouns so I didn't shock her right away.

"That's amazing! When can I meet her?" She asked as we sat down on the couch.

"Well, actually, it's not a girl..." I spoke awkwardly, my eyes closing as I bit my lip. I braced myself for rude and unaccepting words but received kindness instead.

"Well, he is your soulmate. We don't have a say in who they are or what gender they are. I'm just so glad you finally met him!

Now, I may have accepted this easily, but, your father may be a different story," She said softly. I wrapped her in a hug and when we released, I told her all about Jimin. A smile was etched on my face, ecstatic with my mother's reaction.

Things were going smoothly until my father entered...

"Hello, anything new, Jungkook?"

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