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I sat at my desk. Fiddling with a pen and my phone. Along with Jungkook's. 

"Alright, he's been called," I said as I checked off on of Jungkook's relatives on the list. I had just one more uncle to call and I'd be done. I'm surprised by how big of a family Jungkook has.

Three days had passed and I had filled my room with pictures of him. It was also filled with flowers, food, and gifts. It's funny how many things you get when someone dear to you passes.

I had called over fifty families so far. At least, the heads of the families. He had a lot of siblings living away I had to call and a lot of uncles and aunts to call. I had about 200 people coming to his funeral already.

I did call his parents but his father said he wouldn't come. His mother, however, was a different story. She was coming and bringing all of Jungkook's little siblings and childhood friends.

There was a lot to be planned still. The flowers, who would speak, what would be done exactly.

I had told the funeral home I would need another week. I didn't think it would be this hard. 

"Jungkook ah," My mother said from the other side of the door. 

"What?" I asked. 

"You should come out and eat with your friends and us," She sounded concerned. I hadn't come out of my room since I came in from... You know...

"Maybe later," I spoke as I began to dial the number of the last uncle. 

"You need to eat something other than chocolate covered fruit. And get some water too. We're just worried," She spoke concernedly. I guess I just needed to spend some time alone right now. 

Besides, I looked like a mess. Every single time I told someone he had passed, not only would I sob again, but they would too. It hurt. A lot.

"I'll be fine, just give me some time," I spoke as the phone began to ring. I heard her walk away as the phone was answered. 

"Hello?" Time to do this again.


I hung up the phone sobbing once more. I covered my mouth and took deep breaths. It's alright that's the last time. 

I tried to convince myself to stop crying and take normal breaths but it was futile. 

I rubbed my red and swollen eyes before standing up. I walked to my bed and laid down. 

Processing the information, I thought about it again. 

The funeral is next Saturday at noon. I will be speaking along with Jungkook's mother, his oldest brother Jung Hyun, and his oldest sister Areum.
(BTW, I know that this isn't actually how their families are like, but it works better this way. But Jung Hyun is actually his older brother.)

I laid on my bed and looked through some photos of him. I still hadn't decided which one I would display yet. 

"Jimin, please come out of your room," Hoseok spoke gently. I raised my hand above my head and looked at my wrist. Blank. I looked at my left wrist now and saw that it had become a bit more grey. 

By next Saturday I would have a brand new one on my right wrist. Great.

"Jimin!" Hoseok spoke a bit louder. 

"What?!" I shouted. It went silent. 

"Come and eat," He spoke sternly. I rolled my eyes and flopped my wrist back on my bed. 

"I'm not hungry," I closed my eyes. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night. Or for the past two nights.

"You haven't eaten in days!" He shouted. 

"I've been eating the wonderful strawberries. I'll be fine," I lied. To be honest, I hadn't eaten anything these past few days. I've been drinking tea to preserve my voice over the phone, though. 

"Get out here and eat with us," He demanded. I heard a bit of whispering on the other side and turned on my side. Feet shuffled across the wooden floors beyond the safety of my room and I heard the door nob turn. 

A huff could be heard and I figured the found out it was locked. Whoever it was. 

"Jimin ah, I understand you're grieving. But Jungkook wouldn't want you to starve yourself," Yoongi spoke softly. 

"You don't understand anything. And you have no idea what Jungkook would've wanted," I hissed as my blood boiled. He had no idea. None at all. 

"Jungkook wouldn't want you to starve to death!" He shouted. 

"Have you thought about what I want?!" I screamed as I sat up. It went silent and more shuffling was heard. I laid back on my bed as I grabbed a photo of Jungkook. 

"Jimin. If you don't open this door right now, I'm breaking it down," Taehyung said. 

"Try. I dare you," I hissed. 

"We have Namjoon," Yoongi chimed in. I almost cracked a smile. But I fought it back. 

I kept my resting bitch face and closed my eyes once more. Maybe I can get some sleep without the nightmares today. 

I heard banging on the door and I stood up. I walked over to the door and opened it. Suddenly, Namjoon fell onto my floor. I looked at him as he groaned. 

"Idiot," I rolled my eyes as I looked at everyone. 

"What?" I hissed. They were in such shock that they just sat there. Probably dumbfounded by my red eyes and puffy eyes. 

I closed the door on them, pushing Namjoon out and locked it again. I walked back to my bed and laid down. 

I just wanna sleep. 


Still not done. 

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