Day 6

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up from my peaceful sleep and looked around the room. Jungkook was no longer here so I assumed that he had gone for his treatment. I stretched and headed to the bathroom. 

I was ready quickly and left the hospital. I ran to the cafe and ordered quickly. I got it to go because we had all made plans to hang out later. 

I ran to the hospital and entered Jungkook's room. Everyone was waiting there and I pouted. 

"I hope you guys didn't start without me," I joked as I put the food on a table in his room. I had enough for everyone because I knew they would be here. 

"We did the things only tall and normal height people can do," Yoongi chuckled. 

"I'm only like a centimeter shorter than you!" I said as I shook him. He chuckled and I huffed in anger. I walked over to Jungkook and helped him into his wheelchair. 

"Ready?" I asked as I regained my composure. He chuckled and nodded. 

"Let's go!" Taehyung yelled as he ran out of the room with Hoseok. 

"These kids," Jin said as Namjoon rested his head on Jin's shoulder. 

"More like these lazy adults," Jungkook chuckled as I rolled him out of the room. 

"Yah! Be more respectful to your hyungs!" Jin seethed as he rolled his eyes. 

"Can we make it through the day without a fight? I'm too tired to comprehend them," Yoongi sighed as he lagged behind us all. I laughed and continued to push Jungkook. 

We walked out of the hospital and towards the car. Jin took the driver's seat and Namjoon took the passenger. Hoseok and Tae were in the middle so Jungkook and Yoongi were with me. 

We drove quickly to through the bumpy roads and arrived at the carnival. I got out after everyone and helped Jungkook out. I went to grab the wheelchair but he stopped me. 

"I can use the crutches for today," He smiled. I was hesitant but nodded and grabbed those instead. I passed them to him as I helped him out. 

"Where to first?" Jin asked. We all turned to Jungkook and he looked around. 

"Ooh! There!" He pointed to a small ride that was a giant boat. It went back and forth and Hoseok visibly tensed. 

"Don't be a baby, hyung," Jungkook teased. Hoseok hit his arm and Jungkook just laughed. 

"Come on, let's just go," I rolled my eyes and pushed everyone to the ride. We hopped on and Jungkook left his crutches at the side. 

The ride began and Hoseok instantly screamed. We all laughed and whooped as I received the dropping feeling in my stomach. Hoseok clutched Tae for dear life and screamed so loud. 

The ride finished and I got off with Jungkook chuckling. His arm was around me so I could bring him to his crutches. 

We walked around and continued to go on rides. We decided to take a break to eat so we stopped at a small booth. 

"I want cotton candy," I informed Jungkook. He nodded and I waved my hands. 

"Well, what do you want?" I asked.

"Ohh, I want the funnel cake. Ooh! And cheese fries," He said happily. I smiled and ordered them. He took a seat at the table with everyone else. 

I came back with the food and took a seat next to Jungkook. 

"Hyung, you should've seen your face on the last ride," Jungkook laughed. I pouted and hit his arm. 

"Aish! So disrespectful," I sighed. He contorted his face and began to scream. 

"AGHH! EOMMA!" He imitated me. Everyone laughed along with me after I finished hitting him of course. We began to eat and I stole some of Jungkook's food. 

"Hyung! I was gonna eat that," Jungkook pouted as I stuck the fry in my mouth. 

"Mmm, delicious," I chuckled as I chewed. He took some of my cotton candy and ate it. 

"Ha," He said as I chuckled. We continued eating as Tae and Hoseok had a weird face competition. We watched them and soon decided that Hoseok won. 

The eating ended after a while and we went back to rides. At this point, it was already eight at night. The sun was down and a dark light had settled on us. We walked to the ferris wheel and got into the cart. 

"Jungkook ah?" I asked as I looked at him. 

"Yeah, hyung?" He tilted his head to the side. Cute. 

"Are you happy?" I asked. He raised and eyebrow and chuckled. 

"Yeah, of course! Today was awesome," He spoke. 

"No, not just like today. But as in, are you happy with what you've done so far? Like, has your life been-I don't know-is there anything else you wanna do?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He grabbed my hands and smiled sadly. 

"Obviously there are things I wish I could have done. But ultimately, I'm happy. Really happy actually," He squeezed my hands. "I got to spend my last week with you, my soulmate, my best friend. I'm upset I can't spend more time with you. But I'm ecstatic with how much I got."

"Maybe if I hadn't gotten my dad to give you the surgery you would have longer, or if I-" I sputtered as tears fell. 

"Jiminie hyung. I would've had less time had I not gotten that surgery. You know that. I would've been in too much pain to enjoy it anyway had I had longer," He smiled at me. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly. 

"I don't want you to go," I breathed harshly as we reached the quarter way up. 

"I don't want you to be upset when I die. It will happen. We both know. I want you to be happy with your new soulmate once I go," He said as he fought back tears. 

"It won't be the same. Whoever it is won't actually be my soulmate. They'll just be a replacement. I don't want to replace you," I cried as I buried my face in his neck. He rubbed my hair. 

"That won't be fair to the other person," He spoke softly. He kept encouraging me to move on even though I know how much it must hurt him. 

"Let's not think of this now, let's spend the night happily," I said as I pulled away. I wiped my tears and his small ones that fell. 

"Alright," He smiled. I chuckled. 

"And stop copying me, I was crying first," I lightly hit his chest as we reached the top finally. The cart paused and I looked into the starry night. 

"Beautiful," He whispered. I turned to him and grabbed his face in my small hands. He looked me in the eyes and I rested my forehead on his. 

"Just like you," I chuckled. He smiled and I kissed him. I smiled into the kiss and he did too. We pulled apart after what felt like forever and rested my forehead on his. 

"I love you, hyung. I really do," Jungkook whispered. 

"I love you too, Kookie ah," I whispered back. The cart began to move again and I moved my head from his. I looked out at the stars and smiled. 

Tonight was perfect. I long for so many more perfect nights like this. But I only have one more if he lives through all of tomorrow. I push that thought to the back of my head and look at Jungkook again. Cute. 

~ Author's Note ~

Hey guys~ So, Day 7 is gonna be up tomorrow. But, it won't be the last chapter. We must figure out who his new soulmate is. Also, attend the funeral. I might do an epilogue but it depends on how I end it. 

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