Closer ( 8 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up with a crick in my neck. My eyes flit around the room, groggily meeting Jungkook's sleeping body. I blushed a bit, my head still in the crook of his neck.

After blinking a bit more, I looked at the clock. 8:30. Crap! I reached into my pocket, where my phone was painfully poking my ass. 

I hit the home button, the brightness blinding me. I quickly turned the brightness down, eyes adjusting slowly.

I moved my head from his neck to look a bit closer at my phone. Saturday. Perfect! 

School already has me so confused with dates but at least I can sleep in a bit more today. 

I laid my head back into the crook of his neck, causing Jungkook to snuggle into me a bit. I wasn't expecting the sudden force and fell backward, accidentally taking him down with me. 

His head on my chest, his feet now on the couch next to mine. I chuckled tiredly before placing my hand on his head and falling back asleep. 

~ Jungkook's POV ~

My eyes slowly opened but were quick to close so I wasn't blinded by the bright light. 

I cuddled further into the soft yet firm thing under my head, causing a small groan to fall into my ears. 

My eyes shot open, being greeted by Jimin's chest as I became aware of a small weight on my head. I smiled slightly, moving my hand from his thigh, to around his waist, causing another small groan to fill my ears. 

I looked up, my brown eyes meeting his jawbone before flitting to his closed eyes. He looked really peaceful, and I didn't want to wake him. But, I'm really hungry. So, I slowly stood up and covered him with a nearby blanket. 

After placing a small kiss on Jimin's forehead, I crept into the kitchen, my ears not avoiding the sound of him turning. 

Gradually, I opened up the fridge trying my best to be silent. The fridge was filled with food but I wasn't sure what he would like. He had spent the night before but since we had to get to class, we only ate granola bars for breakfast.

Maybe Tae hyung will know... I debated on whether or not I should run over to his house but my mind then ran to how Hoseok stayed over at his last night. I shuddered at the noises that had filled the hall after. 

Hesitantly, I grabbed out some milk and cereal from the cabinet. After grabbing two bowls, I put cereal and milk in each. I placed the bowls on the island table and sat down. 

I heard a small yawn and turned to see Jimin stretching. He stood up and walked over to me. He pulled out his chair and sat down. 

"Good Morning, hyung," I chirped as he placed a sloppy kiss on my head.

"Good morning," He responded groggily. I chuckled at his cute voice as I observed his bed head. Pastel pink hair flying out in all directions. I kinda missed his black hair. 

Shaking my head, I began to eat. He took his place next to me and did the same. 

We finished eating quickly and I grabbed our bowls. I walked into the kitchen once more and placed them in the sink. 

I went to wash them but Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist, snuggling his head into my neck. I chuckled, knowing he was on his tippy toes to do so. 


"The boys said they wanna hang again," Jimin groaned as he snuggled his head further into my lap. My back pressed against the couch, making sure he didn't snuggle into the wrong spot. 

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