Morning of Day 7

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up to my phone lightly vibrating. I turned off the alarm and snuck out of bed. Jungkook was still asleep but I had something planned. I left a small note on the couch bed and opened the door. It was 4 in the morning but I left it just in case. 

Quickly, I walked out of the hospital and down the street. I hopped on the bus and they dropped me at the town center. I thanked the driver and jumped off. 

I looked around at all the stores and quickly went to the flower shop. I looked around and spotted a clear white and reddish flower bouquet. I smelled them and it was a clear vanilla scent. I smiled and scooped them up. 

Flowers in hand, I rushed to the register and paid. I exited the store and walked around until I saw a cute dessert shop. I swung opened the door and the smell of pastries filled my nose. 

I ended up with a box of chocolate covered strawberries, pastries with a berry center, and a piece of cheesecake. 

I rushed back to the bus station and had them drop me off at the cafe. I picked up a breakfast for us and waddled back to the hospital. 

All things in hand, I slowly opened the door to the room and hid them in a cooler. I put the flowers in a vase and put them behind the couch bed. 

I turned on my phone and saw that it was only 5:30. That took way less time than I thought. He probably won't wake up until 7 so I guess I should sleep. I put a note on the table next to Jungkook telling him to wake me when he wakes. 

With all things set, I drift into sleep. 

~ Jungkook's POV ~

I wake up feeling rather refreshed. The light flooded through the window into the room giving a pleasant vibe. I looked around and noticed a flimsy paper on my bedside stand. 

I picked it up slowly and held it up to my face. 

'Kookie ah, please wake me up when you get up!
Thank you, your favourite hyung.'

I chuckled and looked over at the sleeping mochi. His face glistened in the light leaving him looking like a fairy. I checked the time and saw that it was 7:30. 

I sat myself up and grabbed my crutches. I hobbled over to Jimin and sat down next to him. My crutches were lying on the floor as I began to play with his hair. 

He shifted in his sleep and his eyes fluttered open. 

"Morning hyung," I said as he rubbed his eyes. He pushed himself up and his eyes widened. 

"Kookie ah, turn around and close your eyes," He told me. I raised and eyebrow but did as he told. A bit of shuffling was heard and then it settled. 

"Turn around," He spoke with cheer in his voice. I turned myself around and he was sitting on the couch bed. 

He held a vase of gently white and red flowers. A platter of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast was set gently next to him. 

"What's all this?" I asked as I smiled brightly. 

"I thought I would make today special. So, I got you some flowers and food. There's more food for later," He blushed a bit. I grabbed him and pulled him into an immense hug.

"Thank you," I whispered. He moved off of my lap and onto the floor. We began to eat and I smiled. 

"When did you have time to get this?" I asked. 

"I did it early this morning," He gave me an eye smile. I chuckled and we continued eating. 

~ Jimin's POV ~

I stood up and put the vase on the tableside.  I grabbed the trash from our food and put it into the trash. Quickly, I shuffled over to Jungkook and sat back down. 

"What's planned for today?" He asked curiously. 

"I've got a lot planned," I smiled mischievously. 

"Like what?"? He raised an eyebrow. 

"Like a hot air balloon ride," I confessed. His eyes widened and I chuckled. 

Time to get the day started... 

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