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"Yoongi~ Smile!" Jimin said as he fiddled with the camera. 

Yoongi rolled his eyes as he put his arm on Hyuna's shoulder. 

"She won't smile. Plus, Sehun won't stop running amuck," He said as Sehun ran around the small lot. 

"Agh, fine. I give up," The smaller threw his hands in the air and put the camera down. 

"We'll get her birthday picture later," Yoongi said as he put Hyuna down. He walked over to Jimin and pecked him on the lips. 

"You know we gotta visit her now," Yoongi said as he wrapped Jimin in a hug. 

"Alright, grab some flowers," Jimin said as he went to grab Hyuna and Sehun. 

Yoongi grabbed a full bouquet of flowers and grabbed Sehun from Jimin. 

"Let's go," Yoongi kissed Jimin with a smile and Jimin blushed. 


"I wish you could've been here for her sixteenth, the birthday party is next week," Jimin smiled as he placed a flower on his mother's grave. 

She passed away a few months ago, but Jimin's used to loss by now. 

"You two want to put a flower on your Grandpas'?" Yoongi asked them. 

"Sure!" Sehun shouted excitedly. He was more like Jimin in that sense. 

Even though they were adopted, they were both like either Jimin or Yoongi. 

Hyuna was a lot like Yoongi, sassy but good at aegyo, tired, and doesn't take bullshit. 

Yoongi placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder. 

"Let's put a flower on theirs," Yoongi spoke. Jimin nodded. 

They walked over to their graves. First placing one on Jungkook's grandfather's, then on his mother's, and finally Jungkook's. 

"We miss you," Yoongi smiled. Jimin kissed his forehead. 

He'd be glad that they're both happy. That Jimin allowed himself to fall in love again. 

Well, Jungkook would be glad if he was actually gone.

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