* Alternate Ending *

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Heyyyyy before we get started... Thank you so much for supporting this book. It was one of my earlier books and it wasn't the best but I enjoyed writing it. This takes place after the balloon ride when they get down.

Anywho, this was requested a bit ago by @ilostmytaeandkookie I hope you guys enjoyyyyy mwah also yeah I lied it's up today because I like surprises <3

Third Person Point of View

We got off the balloon and stood in the grass. The air flowing freely around us. The time had shifted dramatically from when we first got on.

It was now around six o'clock. The sun had settled in a position nearer to the horizon. Beautiful.

I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder and I looked over to see Jungkook falling against me. He gently grasped his head and I held his hand in mine. 

"Hey, hey," I whisper, concerned. I keep the tears from falling, hoping he can last a little longer. 

"Jimin," His voice comes out through clenched teeth. I turn back to the girl and thank her for the ride, once more. I throw my free arm over his shoulder and walk across the grass back to the park. 

From there we take a seat on the bench and he leans so his head can rest on my shoulder, "I'm going to call Jin Hyung. He can drop us back off at the hospital." I make sure my voice is quiet, trying not to hurt his head in case he has a headache. I want him to be peaceful. 

"Jiminie, my... my head doesn't hurt anymore," He says. I keep my eyes closed, resting my head on his. I assume the worst at his words until he sits up. "I don't... I don't feel bad..."

I look at him, my eyes wide. I pull out my phone and dial Jin's number, quickly, "Jin, we're both at the park. I need you to hurry."


"Thank you," I smile at Jin as he drops us off at the hospital. He nods and glances at Jungkook. He's standing up and looking at the wall. I'm not sure what's going on with him. 

"Jimin, check in with us. Okay?" Jin asks. I nod at him and he drives away. I place an arm around my ditzy boyfriend and pull him inside. We check in and I notice just how odd he's acting. 

"Jungkook ah, are you okay?" I whisper, pulling him away from the front desk. He continues waving to the nurse with a dumb smile on his face. 

"I great!" He chuckles, reminding me of his state after one of his surgeries. I nod at him, pulling him into his room and pressing the emergency button. He settles into the bed, leaving his shoes on the floor and shamelessly undressing in front of me. 

My face reddens, "Jungkook! What are you doing?"

"I'm warm," He says, throwing his shirt down and working on his pants. He walks over to a counter in his room as my dad enters. He doesn't seem fazed by the way Jungkook is acting and goes straight to me. 

"Hey, Jimin," He looks up at me. Finally, Jungkook throws on a hospital gown and flops onto the bed. He looks over at Jungkook and smiles at him. "You seem sprightly."

"Feelin' dandy good," Jungkook slurs, smiling at me. 

"Did you take him out drinking?" My dad asks me, starting to check a few things on Jungkook. I shook my head and my dad started asking him a few things. 

Eventually, my dad takes Jungkook out of the room, claiming he needs a few scans. I nod, despite wanting to spend whatever last moments I can with him. I wait for a few hours until my dad comes storming into the room. 

"You're never gonna believe this!" He ushers me out of the room and hurries me to the MRI room. He shows me a few scans and I raise an eyebrow toward him. 

"Dad, I have no idea what any of these mean," I say. He smiles at me and grabs my hands. 

"It's shrinking! His tumor is shrinking!" Tears come to my eyes at his words, knowing what this means. "Jimin, he might live."

I let out a sob and grab my dad, pulling him down so I can hug him. I whisper what seems like a thousand 'thank you's before pulling away. He sends me to another hospital room, telling me that Jungkook was transferred so he can receive easier treatment. 

I knock on the door before opening it, he smiles at me and I bite my lip, "Baby, you're gonna make it."


Two months later 

"Jungkook! We're gonna be late," I shout into my room. He and I slept for the night at my parents. Well... We may not have slept but we did stay at my parent's. Luckily, the rest of my family is on break so they've taken a short vacation. 

"I know, whatever," He groans, pulling a shirt over his bed-head. He flashes me a crooked smile before coming over and wrapping his arms around me. He rocks slightly as I put two waffles in the toaster. "So I don't have time to sleep but you have time for waffles."

"Yes," I sass. He chuckles before placing sloppy kisses on my neck. 

"If we have time to eat waffles... I should have time to eat something else," He whispers against my neck. 

With my face beet red, I glare at him, "Jungkook!"

The End 

HIIIIIII So this is the alternate ending. Let me know if you guys want an epilogue for this alternate ending. And yes. I had to end with a sexual innuendo. 

Love you guys and thanks for the support! MWAH HOES

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