( 11 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up to my alarm and got off the bed. My feet hitting the ground, cold compared to the heat of the bed. 

I walked into the living area and saw Tae and Hobi in the kitchen, linking hands. 

"Good morning," I said happily, moving across from them to grab an apple from the fruit backset. 

"Morning," Tae replied. I took a bite from the apple, the sweet-sour filling my mouth. I chewed and swallowed quickly, wanting to ask a question before they started swallowing each other. 

"Do we have anything planned for today?" I asked. My apple resting in my left hand. 

"No, not much. We're probably going to go to the movies if you wanna join," Hoseok informed me. 

"Maybe after. I want to check on Jungkook first," I told them. 

"Alright, well here is your breakfast," Hobi spoke as he gave me a plate of pancakes. I nodded, placing my apple on the side as I carried it around to the other side of the island. 

"Thank you," I chirped as I dug into the food. They both chuckled and turned back to each other, continuing to talk. 

I finished eating and walked into my room. I headed for the attached bathroom and took a shower. After the shower, I walked into my room, a towel wrapped around my waist. 

 I walked over to the dresser, holding onto the towel and took out some clothes. I wore a grey fuzzy sweater with ripped black skinny jeans. 

"I'm leaving, bye!" I shouted as I walked out of the dorm. I received small goodbyes from the both of them but they barely noticed me leaving. 

I walked out, locking the door behind me. As I walked down the hall, I decided to pick up a few things before heading over to the hospital. 

I walked into a cute little store and picked up a few flowers. Around seven flowers in the bouquet, colors varying from a pure white to a velvety red and even some blue.  I also grabbed an Iron Man plushy as well as some lamb skewers. I thank the ahjuma and left the store. 

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and plugged in my headphones. I pause for a moment, playing my Spotify playlist. 

I continued walking and soon approached the bus stop. With my bag in hand and flowers next to me, I sat on a bench nearby and listened to music while looking for the bus. 

I hummed to the songs that played as the bus approached. I got off the bench, a small black creeping into my eyes from the sudden standing. 

After another pause, I approached the doors of the bus. As they opened, I hopped on and paid the bus driver. I bowed slightly before taking my seat. 

After a few minutes, we went to my stop and I got off. I walked about another block and saw the large hospital towering in front of me. I walked up the stairs, holding onto the rail with my free hand. I walked in quickly, slightly bowing to the nurses and workers I passed. 

I approached his room and opened the door. He was sitting on the bed staring at the screen of a small TV on the wall. I walked in and he looked over at me. He smiled brightly and I smiled back at him. 

"Good morning," I sang happily, skipping slightly. I took out my headphones, stopping the song as I got closer to him. 

"Morning, Jimin hyung," He responded. 

"I brought you a few things," I said as I hid the bag and flowers behind my back. 

"Awe, you didn't have to hyung," He said as he gave me a small smile. His eyes happy 

"I wanted to," I walked to his bed and sat on the end criss-cross. I handed him the flowers and he smiled. 

"They're so pretty!" He exclaims as he put the flowers in a vase next to him and looked up at me. I smiled brightly as leaned forward and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." 

"That's not all~" I teased as I waved the bag in front of him. His eyes widened as he grabbed and then opened the bag. 

"Lamb skewers?! Heol! And an Iron Man plush! You're the best hyung," I blushed as he hugged the plush and placed the skewers next to him. He let go of the plush and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and smiled into his shoulder. 

He let go and we began to talk. We watched Iron Man for a bit, which he had been watching before I entered. We were laughing over one of the dumb jokes when the door opened. 

"Jungkook ah, we have to prep you for the surgery," My father said as he walked in. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head. 

"Wait, that's today?" I asked, clearly confused. He nodded slightly, some sort of sad hidden behind his eyes. I brushed it off, not really thinking much. 

"Well, we put him through a few tests and found that he was fine to get the surgery a bit earlier," He informed me. 

"Can I stay?" I asked, grabbing Jungkook's hand almost as a reflex. He squeezed my hand, interlacing our fingers. 

"The surgery will take quite a few hours, he probably won't be visitable until tomorrow," My father informs me, a slight frown on his face. I pouted slightly as I turn to Jungkook. My face brightening as soon as our eyes meet. 

"Ah, alright. Well, I'll head to the dorms. See you later Kookie!" I gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead before standing from the bed. I hugged my father, wishing him luck before leaving. I kept my fingers crossed and hoped that everything would be okay. 

~ Author's Note ~

[This Part Edited Out- sorry not sorry lel]

Anywho, as you've noticed, I've stopped putting titles for chapters and only have numbers now. I did this so you guys have no idea what to expect~~ Especially since the book is ending soon and it could spoil things. 

Before I leave, thank you for the support and over 60 reads! I love it so much. You guys are seriously amazing <3

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