Treatment ( 7 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I ran up to the dorm and Jungkook ran into his, which was conveniently a few dorms away. I slammed open the door and ran to my room.

"Woah, slow down! Where were you yesterday?" Tae shouted as I raced into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I looked at the clock to see that I had 20 minutes before I had to be at my first class. I slowed down knowing that I would be on time.

"Sorry, I went to the park with Jungkook then went back to my parent's and forgot to come back," I yelled out to Tae.

"That's okay, but who's Jungkook?" He asked. I realized that I was the only one in my group who knew who he was.

"My soulmate, the boy we chased down yesterday," I said hoping he would remember.

"Ohh. How did things go? Did you find out why he ran?" He walked into my room as I finished brushing my teeth.

I hesitated to tell him about the cancer thing, but I had to. He's my best friend. "Yeah, actually. He has brain cancer and doesn't know how much longer he has. That and he has a really homophobic dad."

I rocked back and forth on my feet, staring at the ground. I heard him come close to me as he placed my head on his chest. Swallowing me in a bear hug.

We finished getting ready, in about five minutes and walked out. I knocked on Jungkook's door, my bandages catching the eye of Taehyung as he screeched.

"Oh my god! What the hell happened?" He yelled causing a chorus of 'shut up's to fill the hall. I chuckled as he shouted an apology, only gaining more yells.

Jungkook opened the door, a granola bar hanging out of my mouth.

"Hello, do you wanna walk to school together?" I asked him. He smiled brightly and nodded his head, causing the granola bar to snap and fall to the ground. He moaned in annoyance and ran back into the dorm.

When he came back, his backpack was slung over his shoulder and the dirty granola bar was in his mouth. Wait... Right! My backpack!

"Hey, Tae hyung, do you know where my backpack is?" I questioned, hoping he would know. I didn't really have a lot in there, but I had food and I get really hungry during class.

"Oh yeah, we picked it up when we left cause we realized to left it in the library. We almost forgot," He chuckled, running back to the door and opening it. He ran in as I turned to Jungkook.

We smiled at each other and I leaned up and placed a peck on his lips, causing him to become as red as a tomato.

Hah! That's what you get!

Jungkook smirked slightly, his red leaving his face and I paled. He moved closer to me, causing me to back up and hit the wall lightly. He placed a full on kiss on my lips, causing a line of, rather gross, saliva to link our lips as he pulled away.

It was just in time as Taehyung had walked out a second after. He raised an eyebrow at my bright red and shocked face. His eyes flickered to Jungkook but he simply shrugged.

"Here's your backpack," Tae handed me my backpack and Jungkook shot me one last smirk.

We finally walked down the hallway, Tae sprinting ahead when he spotted Hoseok.

"I found a wild sun! In its natural habitat!" He shouted as he hopped on Hoseok's back. He jumped off suddenly, hissing in pain. "Way hotter than I expected!"

Hoseok's face turned bright red, but he giggled it off, placing a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.

___Two Weeks Later After School

I smiled as I approached Jungkook from behind. A fool-proof plan...

"Boo!" I shouted, trying to seem taller and louder than I actually was. He didn't even flinch! He simply turned around and smiled at me.

"Mochis aren't scary," He chuckled. I pouted and he ruffled my hair. I blushed a bit and looked up at him. "That adorable pink hair of yours only makes you cuter, not scary."

I giggled as I run my fingers through my hair subconsciously. He puts his hand over his heart, acting as though he was attacked.

"You're killing me! Too hot!" My face flushed as I punched him on the shoulder, allowing giggles to escape him. After we exited the school, on our way to the dorms I remembered something important.

"I have to go to my parent's to ask my dad about the treatment," I spoke sweetly. He frowned a bit before speaking.

"I wanted to take you out again tonight," I giggled and pecked his nose.

"We can spend time later tonight, plus I spent the night at your dorm last night," I said softly.

"True, but we didn't even have s-"

"Shut up!"


"Dad! Are you home?" I shouted into the home. I was hoping he was, he had been so busy these past weeks I never got to talk to him.

"Yeah, why?" He responded. Yes! I still have to tell him, too.

"I have big news!" I sang as I skipped into the living room.

"What is it?" Appa asked happily.

"I met my soulmate!" I rolled my white sleeve up and showed him the tattoo. He was extremely happy and I told him all about Jungkook. I even asked about the treatment. At first, he wasn't sure he could get it, but then he said he would find a way.

I waved goodbye to him and walked out of the home, backpack still with me. I continued walking to the dorms and happily skipped to Jungkook's. It was only 6 pm (18:00) so it wasn't that late. I knocked on his dorm door and it opened a few seconds later.

~ Third Person POV ~

"Hello, come on in!" Jungkook said as Jimin walked in. He looked around and took in the familiar surroundings. It was just like his and Tae's dorm, but different posters.

He smiled brightly, the scent of vanilla filling his nose as he walked to the couch, placing his bag down.

"I have good news," Jimin began as Jungkook sat next to him, "my dad said he could get you the treatment!"

Jungkook looked at Jimin in disbelief. A smile crept onto his face and he wrapped his arms around Jimin. Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's sides and he winced. Jimin let go and looked at Jungkook.

"It still hasn't healed?" Jimin asked as he motioned towards Jungkook's old cut from his father.

"This one is new..." Jungkook spoke quietly, his head down. Jimin frowned and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bathroom. He made Jungkook sit on the edge of the bathtub as he grabbed the first aid kit.

Jimin lifted up Jungkook's shirt and grabbed the bandages. He began to bandage him but his face was heating up.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you," Jimin muttered, trying to distract himself. He was touching Jungkook's abs and basically looked like a flipping tomato. Jungkook was red in the face, too as he watched Jimin bandage him.

After bandaging, they went into the living room and sat on the couch talking. They played a movie and eventually fell asleep next to each other.

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