Explanations ( 4 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I stared blankly ahead. His words rang in my head; because I'm dying, okay? I have brain cancer and probably don't have much longer.

The shock wore off after a minute, as I grabbed his chin and pulled it down to face me since I was shorter. 

"It's a joke, right?" I held back the tears in my throat, as his broken eyes met mine. His mouth turned down at the corners as he shook his head. 

I fell to the ground, my hands slipping from his chin. His soft skin being replaced by sharp woodchips. 

I clenched my fists, causing cuts to form. My salty tears stinging them as they fell. Jungkook bent down, worry etched on his face. 

"J-Jimin. Jimin! Hyung! Stop! You're hurting yourself!" He tried to pry my hands open, his being slightly stained by my red in the process. I looked him in the eyes as relief filled him, I had let go. 

"We need to get you bandaged, come on," He grabbed my hand, the cuts spreading some blood to his as he pulled me. 

I stopped moving, causing him to slightly be pulled backward. 

"Why? I just don't understand..." I mumbled, tears falling past my cheeks as I let go of his hand. It brushed slightly against my cargo shorts, causing blood to stain them. 

"I'm sorry. I tried to prevent us even meeting, I don't want you to suffer," He mumbled his eyes trying to meet mine, but I looked everywhere except him at the moment. 

"No, I won't accept this, there has to be a way," My teary and swollen eyes finding his deep brown ones.

"I'm sorry, but I can't get the right treatment," He whispered wistfully. We stayed like this until it hit me. I perked up and looked at him, a smile creeping onto my solemn face. His doe eyes met mine, very confused as I backhanded my tears.

"My dad is a doctor at the big hospital downtown," He mouth opened slightly. "We can get you treatment, he'll understand. You're my soulmate and I'm sure he's gonna be ecstatic to meet you."

I grabbed his hand, the slight amount of blood on my hand drying as I walked in front of him. I began to drag him closer to my parent's house, not far from the dorms. 

"That sounds great, and I would gladly accept, but I still have to find a way for my parents to accept you. They think I'm straight, and probably won't be happy when they find out I'm not," He spoke as he tried to stop me.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to make them accept me, now come on! My family, well whoever is home, will want to meet you!" I chirped as I tugged him along. My tears and blood dried as he chuckled behind me. 

A few minutes passed and I no longer had to drag him. He was walking easily beside me as we chatted.

"Do your parent's live far from here?" I questioned as we got close to my block.

"Actually, I live just down that block," He pointed to the left block and I chuckled. He squeezed my hand slightly, sending a small amount of pain through the cuts. 

"I live on the right block. To think, we've been so close for so long. How come I've never met you?" I asked as we approached my home. We turned onto the block and I walked closer.

"Oh, we moved here only a week ago. So I'd be closer to school and the hospital," He answered quickly. 

"Are you living in the dorms? I am cause they're free so why not? Ya know?" He giggled and hummed a yes for all the questions. 

We arrived at my house and I climbed up the steps as I pulled out my silver keys. I noticed Jungkook wasn't beside me and I turned around to see him staring at my home.

"What's wrong? Are you coming, Jungkook?" I asked as I opened the screen door.

"Your house just looks so... cozy," He smiled revealing bunny teeth. My heart fluttered at his cute smile and a small blushed dazed my face. I swear this cutie will give me a heart attack. 

"Well, it looks far better inside," I gave him an eye smile and unlocked the door for him. He walked in and took off his shoes. I did as well but first took a deep breathe. The smell of food filled my nostrils.

"Hi, mom! What are you cooking?" I asked as I walked into the living room. Jungkook followed me awkwardly, not knowing his surroundings very well. I motioned for him to sit on our blue couch and he did.

"Hi, Jimin! I'm cooking kimbap. How was your first day of school?" She asked as she continued to cook. 

"Pretty great," I drew out my words and she turned around to look at me.

"Spill," She quickly spoke. "Wait, why are here and not in the dorms? Miss me that much?" She teased me as I giggled. I muttered a small 'I'll always miss you, mom.'

"I've got a story for you."

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