Day 4 (16)

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

Everything was fuzzy. The noises. The people. They plugged me into some sort of machine and I closed my eyes. Slowly, the noises came into range. I could hear clearly again but I kept my eyes closed. 

Why can't the pain be over?                                  

~ Jimin's POV ~

I walked through the bare hallways. All I could think of was Jungkook. The poor boy. I should be with him right now. He doesn't have much longer. I just keep pushing that away. Hoping aimlessly that he'll suddenly be fine. 

I walked down to the end of the hall and looked to the right. Oh, it's Taehyung! He waved at me as I noticed the others. I looked the other way and saw the doors. I could leave right now. Maybe I should. I turned back and started inching towards the others. But, I stopped. 

"Jiminie hyung!" Tae shouted as he waved. The others waved but I kept a blank face. Tae began to walk towards me but I turned towards the doors. He shouted but I ran out the doors. I could hear them shouting but still, I ran faster. 

I can't leave him alone on his last few days. I heard Jin scolding me from the doors but I shook my head and ran to the bus station. I waited for a few minutes and it didn't come. Damnit! Screw it. 

I began running to the hospital. Not bringing anything. 

My legs ached but I kept thinking of Jungkook. I need to see him. 

~ Jungkook's POV ~

I was reading a book to pass the time. This Luna character, she's really cool actually. I see why Harry's friends with her. I was just about to read what Luna was going to say about Helena when my door was thrown open. 

I looked up from my book, expecting a doctor or something but was greeted by an exasperated and worried looking Jimin. My eyes widened confusedly and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Hyung, shouldn't you be in school?" I asked as I put my book down with my bookmark in. He rushed over to my side and grabbed me. He pulled me into a hug. 

"I just needed to see you. I think I'll skip the next few days so I can be with you," He said as my eyes widened. He did this for me? My cheeks reddened but I also felt guilty. 

"What about your-" He cut me off. 

"Grades? I don't really care. I'd feel worse knowing you were here alone when you're... you know," He trailed off, eyes meeting the floor. I frowned and grabbed his chin. I smiled as he looked at me and pulled his face to mine. My lips, inches from his, began to move. 

"Don't be upset, I don't like it when you are. I know I only have a few days. But, I don't want you to be upset when I die," I spoke honestly. I looked in his eyes and tears fell from them. His and mine. I don't want to leave him behind. I pulled him into a kiss and pulled apart after a few seconds.

I rested my forehead against his and a few tears continued to fall from our eyes. 

"I don't think I'll be able to face my new soulmate once you die. This stupid world will just force another person to me. I can't, I won't," He said. I was touched, but I knew he would have to move on. 

"Listen, as cliche as this whole thing is. I need you to move on once I die. I won't come back, there's no way. It wouldn't be fair to your next soulmate if you didn't," I spoke, my heart hurting at the thought of him dating another. 

"It's so screwed up. Being born with one soulmate and then when they pass you get another?! It's not fair..." He said as he flopped down onto the hospital bed. 

"I know. The whole thing of soulmates is kinda messed up," I said as I let myself fall next to him. 

"Yeah, how did it even start? That's my question. It's kinda messed up," Jimin said as we stared at the hospital ceiling. 

"No idea. But my question is, what if your soulmate isn't the gender you're attracted to. What then?" We discussed. 

"That would suck. What if you don't have a soulmate? Oh my god, what if you were related to your soulmate?!" The questions went on and on. Just as the time did. We laughed and discussed. Completely forgetting the tears shed before. 

My stomach began to growl. I looked at him and he chuckled. 

"Do you wanna go out to eat?" He asked me. I nodded and sat up. 

"Let's go to Red Lobster," I suggested as Jimin stood up. He passed me my crutches. I grabbed them and stood up. We walked out of the room. He talked to the main nurse and we left for dinner. 

Neither of us had eaten lunch so when we arrived, we ordered quite a lot of food. 

We ate and chattered until I began to feel a bit lightheaded. My chest began to hurt a bit and Jimin seemed to notice. He quickly paid and packed up the leftovers. We hailed a taxi and drove quickly to the hospital. 

He helped me back to my room and I laid down. A nurse came in with us and she plugged me into a machine once more. I took a few deep breaths and calmed down. 

"Feeling better?" He asked as the nurse set up a bed for him to sleep in. I squeezed his hand and forced my voice to work. 

"Yeah, but it's pretty late. We should get to sleep," I said, not wanting him to get sick. 

"Alright, goodnight," He let go of my hand and laid down on the bed she set up. He closed his eyes and I did the same. Drifting off into sleep. 

~ Author's Note ~

Hey.... Sorry, it's been so long since an update... I apologize. Y'all can bash me in the comments. I deserve it. 

I don't even think you guys remember me anymore *Cries for dramatization* *Throws myself on a conveniently placed lounge couch of red suede*

Oh deary me! Hang me for my crimes! I've made these poor readers suffer the wretchedness of waiting! *Grabs knife from boot* I won't stand for this! Oh, woe is me! *Impales myself*

Seriously though, sorry. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and my drama. I love y'all! Thanks for the support! <3

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