Day 3(15)

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I slammed my hand on my alarm. No, not today. I am not going to school. Too tired. 

"Jimin! Get over here," Taehyung yelled from the kitchen. 

"I don't wanna go," I whined. The door flew open and I was picked up. 

"You're gonna have to," Taehyung spoke as he brought me to the kitchen. He set me on a stool and walked to grab me food. 

I sighed and stood up to go to my room. I got dressed and walked back out. 

Quickly, I ate my breakfast and left for the school. 

~ Jungkook's POV ~

I sighed as I looked at the time. Five more hours until Jimin can come. 

"Jungkook, I'm taking you for your treatment," Dr. Park said as he helped me to my crutches. 

It was hard to stand so I was given crutches to help me along. It kinda sucked. Having weaker muscles by the day. 

I trudged down the hallway to the treatment room. 

"I don't get it, I'm going to die soon, so why do I still go to treatment?" I asked as I stopped outside the room. 

"There-well, I mean-It could give you more time. If we try long enough, you could get another few days maybe," He sounded unsure. I frowned. 

"Whatever," I sighed as I walked into the room. I sat on the bed and waited. 

~ Jimin's POV ~

I set my head on my desk as I drifted off into sleep. Just a few more classes....

Jungkook walked up to me holding our little boy. 

"Come to daddy," I spoke with a wide smile to Jae. 

Jungkook handed me him happily as he walked into the kitchen. I played with Jae as I walked towards our daughter Jisu. 

"Come on, Daddy has gotta take you two to daycare," I said as I removed the marker from Jisu's hand. 

"Kookie! Sweetie, we've gotta go," I yelled. No answer. I put Jae down on the seat by the door and walked to the kitchen. 

"Jungkook?" I turned the corner to the kitchen. Blood. All I saw. On the floor, the walls. On Jungkook. I fell to my knees and grabbed at him. But he melted through my hands. 

I sobbed and screamed. But nothing happened. 

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted as he shook me. I looked up at him as I wiped a tear from my face.

"Sorry, I guess I fell asleep," I chuckled awkwardly. He looked at me, filled with concern, but I just smiled at him. 

~ Time Skip ~

I walked down the hallway thinking back on the amount of homework I had to do. Most of the teachers let me off because of my situation, but some seemed to double the homework.  

I sighed as I walked out. I had bought Jungkook a smoothie that they had in the school cafeteria today along with a piece of cheesecake. 

I began to jog to the bus station and hopped on once it arrived. 

I arrived at the hospital and walked in through the doors quickly.  I shuffled to his room and observed his state. 

His face was slightly paler and his hair looked lighter as well. It was hard to describe, but he looked much sicker. 

I looked around again and noticed a pair of crutches against the wall. 

My feet moved slowly closer to him and I gently sat on the bed. 

"Hey Kookie," I whispered as I moved his hair out of his face. 

"Hey Jiminie hyung," He smiled back at me. 

"You look tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?" I spoke softly. I reached for his hands and played with them gently. 

"Yeah, I've been sleeping. Just kind of, fatigued, I guess," He chuckled. I sadly smiled and reach into my backpack. 

"I brought you this," I smiled as I handed him the smoothie and cheesecake. 

"I love these!" He exclaimed as he grabbed the items from my hands. I smiled and giggled as he began to drink and eat. 

"Anything you wanna do today?" I asked as he continued eating. 

"Let's just hang out," He shrugged. I agreed and we began to talk. We had a long conversation until he stopped me. 

"I have to go to the bathroom, can you pass me my crutches?" He asked as I nodded. I stood up and brought them to him. 

As he walked away, something deemed on me. This boy, that I love so much, only has four more days to live. I only have four days to make memories worth a lifetime before he is gone. 

Gone forever... But this cruel world will give me another soulmate. I've seen it happen before. When your soulmate dies, the world just gives you another tattoo. Like your other one was worthless. I don't want that. 

I want him. Him and all his four days. 

~ Author's Note ~

Sorry for the shitty and short update. I'm sick right now so my mind isn't working as well as it should be. I also lost a lot of blood because I got my blood test done today and they filled up 6 of the things. 

Aish, save me from sicky. Love y'all and thanks for the support,

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