Funeral Pt. 2

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My head lay on the back of the seat as speakers continued on. 

After hours of people, who probably didn't care about him before he died, more continued speaking on. 

After everyone had spoken, we drove out to the burial site. Upon his request, he was being buried by his grandfather and grandmother's grave. 


They lowered the sleek black coffin into the deep hole in the ground. 

My mother and father had their hands on my shoulder. Mrs. Jeon was standing to my left and I had my arm around her shoulder.

Tears dripped silently from both of our eyes and everyone was crying. There were over 200 people who switched around the coffin to see it before it gets buried. 

Before it's truly gone. Before he's truly gone. 

My eyes were still swollen and red and the salty tears weren't helping. 

The coffin was no longer able to be seen. All there was, was a hole. A pile of dirt. And a shovel. 

We knew the drill. Mrs. Jeon grabbed the shovel and with teary eyes, threw a scoop of dirt in the grave. 

I hobbled over and grabbed the shovel. I threw a scoop of dirt in the grave and walked over to Mrs. Jeon. 

We hugged and stood to the side. 

Everyone did so, but when my friends' turn rolled around, I froze. 

My wrist. That tingle. I looked at my right wrist suddenly. The first time I ever looked at it and colour was slowly growing onto it. 

A turtle. A sleeping turtle. 


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No... No. No! 

I looked over at him. Yoongi, he was looking at his tattoo too. He looked at me. 

The first glimpse of happiness in his eyes soon died. 

They fell sympathetic. He had the decency to ignore it and scoop dirt into his grave. 

He walked away and I knew home would be hell when this was over. 


The grave was full and we planted flower seeds around it. 

I planted the same white and red flowers that I had given him before. Those were about a foot from his gravestone. 

I read it now for the first time. 

'Here lies Jeon Jeongguk. Aged 19 loving soulmate and son.
September 1, 1997 - August 24th, 2017'

He didn't even make it to his 20th birthday... 

He never will.


I walked towards the car and hopped in the middle seat. 

Same as before. 

I played with my small hands silently until we got home. 

The boys were already inside and the closer I got, the stronger the tingling felt. 

I looked at my wrist, the colour seeping back onto it. 

I opened the door and looked around. Everyone except Yoongi was in there. 

"I'll be in my room," I spoke softly. I walked to my room and the tingling became more immense. 

So he's in there. 

I turned the knob and sure enough, the small mint haired boy was sitting on my bed. 

"Jimin," Yoongi said quietly. I looked at him and he showed me his tattoo. 

He had hidden it for so long. He didn't want anyone to see it other than his soulmate. 

"It's the same..." I looked at it. The same mochis that Jungkook had were on his wrist. 

"I knew it was you all along. I just had no idea why it wasn't colouring," He spoke with his head down. I sat next to him.

"So when I met Jungkook, you knew he would..." I looked at him. His brown eyes met mine and I noticed the tears in his eyes. 

"I did. I also knew that you would never accept me after," He began to cry. This was the first time I had ever seen him cry. 

"Yoongi," I looked at him with sad eyes. He chuckled sadly and looked at his hands. 

"Don't worry. I've been alone for 21 years, I think I can go for the rest," I saw a lone tear drop onto his hands.

"Yoongi, I just need some-" He cut me off. 

"Even if you do get over his death, I'll always be your second choice. You'll never be able to love me as much as you love Jungkook. 

I was there for what you said. I know how much you love him. 

I can't live with the thought of you never loving me as much as him," He looked up at me with a sad smile. 

Tears flooded his face and I was shocked by how much he was crying. 

"I just don't think I can-" I cut him off with a kiss. 

Even I was surprised by myself. 

But it was a good surprise. For the first time since Jungkook.

I felt a bit more complete. A bit more happy as I stared into his eyes. 

It was then that I knew, everything would be okay. 

~ The End ~

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