Fathers ( 6 )

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

"Well, something new has come about," I said as I scratched the back of my head. 

"Oh, what is it Jungkook?" My father asked as he walked into the living room. My mother patted me on the shoulder and then walked into their shared room. 

"Well, I met my soulmate today," I spoke happily. 

"Jugkook-ah! This is amazing! When can I meet her?" His loud and deep voice filled the room. 

"Well, about that... it's not a 'her'..." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and avoided his gaze. 

"What do you mean it's not a girl," His voice was low and threatening. 

"It's a boy, that's what I mean," I was getting a bit fed up and it came out more smart than I expected. 

"You must be mistaken, there's no way you're-" I cut him off. 

"I'm not mistaken," I stood up, my eyes widening after realizing how I sounded.  He balled his fists and glared at me. 

"Watch the way you talk to your father!" He shouted. I flinched at his loud voice. 

"I'm sorry, but you have to accept this," I sat back down and he came closer to me. 

"I do not have to accept this. No son of mine is a faggot," He spat. I stood up and balled my fists. 

"Watch the way you talk to your son! If you want me to respect you, you have to respect me!" I yelled. He grabbed me by the collar and lifted me up.

"My job isn't to respect you, it's to tell you what you can and cannot do," He hissed. His face contorted into a look that could kill. 

"Your job is to be a loving, supportive father," I spoke with just as much anger. He dropped me suddenly and I fell on my tail bone. A pain coursing through my back since the sudden fall sent shocks through my spine. 

"Don't you dare speak back to me!" He screamed loudly and I looked at the floor. I felt a stinging pain on my arm and looked to see that his foot was brought to my side. More pain slowly followed and I knew it would bruise. 

"How could you hit your own son?" I spat appalled. His eyes widened once he realized what he had done. 

"I-I," He couldn't finish his sentence before I left to my room. 

"I'm so happy I have a supportive father," I sarcastically stated. I threw open the door to my room, locked it and slid down against the door. I could hear him pounding on the door, but I refused to open up. 

I trudged over to my bed, throwing off my sweater, leaving me in a white short sleeve shirt and cargo pants. I chuckled at the similarity between Jimin's outfit and mine. 

My body ached as I plopped down on my bed, boxers and my shirt left on. 

~ Jimin's POV ~

I woke up to the sound of the old loud alarm. I groaned and slammed my hand down on the clock. Accidentally knocking it off the dresser causing me to fully wake up. 

 I walked out of bed, going to my dresser which had a few clothes. I changed into a navy blue shirt and black pants with a black belt. I grabbed my phone and stretched a bit before opening my cold door. 

As I walked out, I realized that I didn't have my backpack. Shit! I left it at the library. I ran a hand through my black hair as I groaned from stress. I really hope the boys took it. 

Fully in the hallway, my clothed feet still felt cold. I shivered, it's supposed to be summer still. Ugh. 

I pulled my phone from my pocket and noticed about 60 texts and calls from Tae. Oops. I guess I forgot to tell him I was staying here. Meh. 

All of my stuff is that the dorm, and I have about half an hour until school starts. I think it's about a fifteen-minute walk? 

I rushed out the door, not bothering to look for my parents since they were probably asleep. As I ran down the sidewalk, phone in hand, I noticed Jungkook across the street. He was walking slowly, seemingly waiting for me. 

Our eyes met and I rushed across the street to walk with him. 

"Hello," I greeted him with a smile. 

"Why are you running?" He questioned. 

"Why are you not? We're gonna be late," I chuckled, tilting my head. He just rolled his eyes and I put an arm around his side. He flinched at first, a bit of pain flashing in his eyes. 

"What happened?" I asked him. He gave me a confused look and I continued to speak, "With your parents, and your injury."

"How'd you know about the injury?" He questioned. 

"You flinched hella bad," I chuckled. He laughed as well and then told me about what happened with his mother. 

"That's good! But how did your father take it?" I asked. He explained quickly, picking up his pace as my arm tightened around him somewhat protectively. Once he finished, I pulled him to a stop and wrapped his taller body in a hug. 

"Come on, you can hug me all you want later, but we're almost at the dorms," He spoke softly. 

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