Balloon Ride

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We walked down the hill to and took the shortcut to the balloon ride.

"Come on, let's go hyung!" Jungkook cheered as he picked up the pace on his crutches. I easily kept up with him.

We neared the balloon as the grass crunched under my feet. Everything looked so pretty. The flowers. The sun brightening the day. Jungkook.

A petite yet tall girl waited for us next to the balloon. Her hair glowed in the sunlight.

"Hello there, it's nice to meet you two," She shook our hands with her left arm. It revealed a beautifully colored umbrella tattoo.

I always noticed these things on people. I always found the tattoos beautiful. Soon, I'll have two.

I pushed the thought away and exchanged small talk with her and Jungkook.

She led us onto the balloon and we stood side by side. She was in the corner, controlling the balloon and I breathed in the fresh air.

"This is so beautiful," He spoke in a whisper. His face was illuminated by the light and I smiled at him.

"Almost as beautiful as you," He looked at me with a blush. His reaction is as beautiful as always. 

"Shut up hyung. You big sap," He looked back out at the horizon. His blush still danced upon his cheeks. 

I giggled before turning to look where he was looking. It really was. Beautiful that is. 

The sun was high above us, slowly making it's way down for the later time. But it was closer to the middle than the horizon. 

You could see everything. The buildings, the college, the fields and parks filled with flowers and trees. Everything swayed slightly in the wind. The scent of nature filled the air too. 

"I wish we could stay up here forever," I said as I closed my eyes. I allowed the scent to truly absorb into my nose and relaxed. 

My fingers danced over to Jungkook's and intertwined them. His soft skin comforted me and I held onto him tight. I felt as though if I didn't he would fall right through and be gone. 

I leaned my head on his shoulder gently so he would fall. 

"Jungkook ah," I spoke softly as I turned my head to face him. 

"Yeah hyung?" He responded just as softly if not softer.

"I've always loved love. Ever since I was a child. I remember, every day I'd wake up and hope that today would be the day. The day I met my soulmate.

I didn't know that when I met you, it would be so much better than I imagined. I was so dumb back then. I always thought that I would meet you in the most romantic way.

But, for some reason, meeting you the way that I did, made it far more exciting. It gave me an adventure. Even though it was a horrifying one, it was an adventure. 

It was everything I had hoped for. And more. Once you told me... about, you know. I was heart broken. 

I was angry too. At everything. At the world. For finally letting me meet you, and then slowly ripping you away. 

But now, I'm just happy. So happy that I got to meet you. That you were my soulmate. That you are my soulmate. That I got to spend the time I did with you," Tears rimmed my eyes and threatened to fall. 

I let them. There was no reason not to. 

By now, I had opened my eyes and was looking at him. His hair swayed in the wind and his brown eyes glistened in the light. They never once left mine. 

Even though my vision was blurry from the tears, I could make out his sad smile and small tears. They dripped down his face and I reached up to wipe them away. My hand stayed resting on his cheek even after. 

"You know I will always wish for more time with you. For more happy memories. 

But, I love you so much that no matter how much time I spend with you, it'll never be enough. I want to spend forever with you. With your beautiful eyes, sweet lips, kind heart. 

I want to hold you forever. I want to raise a child with you. God, look at me. I'm a huge sap. Sobbing at my own speech. 

*Jimin reaches up and wipes his eyes harshly with his sleeves. Jungkook wraps him in a hug but Jimin continues.*

I love you so much. You know? I don't know what I would do without your short jokes. As much as I hate them, they always make me laugh.

I'm gonna miss your stupidity, your kindness, your amazing laughter. God, I don't know how I'll live without it. 

*Jimin sadly chuckles and pulls away to look Jungkook in the eyes. Both of their faces are drenched in tears but Jimin keeps a stern look.*

It's so unfair. Ugh, I hate it. I'm gonna wrap this up before I bore you to death. 

Just-Just know that I love you so much. That this whole experience, even though a short one, can never be replaced. It will always hold a place in my heart. 

Even though I know I'll have a new soulmate, they'll never ever make me forget you. I'll always love you. No matter how much. 

Kookie. Thank you. Thank you for understanding and loving me. I love you," I finished my small rant and Jungkook was sobbing. I held him as I cried too.

"I love you so much Jiminie. It really isn't fair," He cried like a child. I pulled away and kissed him dearly. I ignored the presence of the girl and just held him.

We stood there, in a hugging position for what felt like forever. Our heads leaned against each other as we looked out at the sky. 

~ Time Skip ~

We got off the balloon and stood in the grass. The air flowing freely around us. The time had shifted dramatically from when we first got on. 

It was now around six o'clock. The sun had settled in a position nearer to the horizon. Beautiful. 

I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder and I looked over to see Jungkook falling against me. 

"Jungkook!" I screamed as we fell to the ground. I held him in my arms and the girl freaked out. She got on the phone and called 911. Leaving us alone. 

"Thank you," Jungkook whispered. His hand grazed my face as tears filled my eyes. 

My body was racked with sobs. I shook and tears fell onto Jungkook's soft face. 

"No, please," I held him in my arms and put my forehead on his. I kissed him and he kissed me too. 

I pulled away and looked at him. So pale. So frale. But so handsome. 

Even on death's door. He managed to look perfect. We gazed at each other. His hand still on my cheek. 

"I love you so much," I whispered for the last time. 

"I lo-" He began softly. His hand dropped from my face. 

"ve you too," He finished in barely a whisper. I could barely hear them. But I knew they were there. 

He became heavy and lifeless in my arms. His mouth opened slightly along with his eyes. 

I sobbed as I reached up and closed them. 

Rest peacefully. I'll never forget you. 

~ Author's Note ~

THIS IS NOT THE END. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT THE END. There will be one or two more chapters. 

Thank you for reading and supporting this book. I hope you didn't cry too much. 

Love ya,

Bunny // JikookWhere stories live. Discover now