New Beginnings...

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I held him tightly to my chest. I sobbed and screamed. 

"WHY?! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO TAKE HIM?!" I screeched to no one. I just had to get it out. 

The air around me turned from freeing and kind to suffocating. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My heart was racing and my sobs racked my body. 

I hugged him as I began to wheeze. It was all too much. 

I knew he would leave... But it hurts so much.

"Kook ah," I whispered as I began to rock him back and forth.

"Please... Come back," I felt a hand on my shoulder as I whispered. It was the girl. I had learned that her name was Akira. 

I looked up at her and she had a small frown on her face. Her eyebrows were contorted into a concerned look. 

"Jimin ah, who do you want me to call?" She asked sweetly. 

"J-Just call my f-friends," I sobbed. She nodded and asked for my phone. I handed it to her unlocked and she got on the phone. 

I looked at Jungkook once more. The fresh grass beneath him seemed horrible now. It had given me a refreshed feeling but now it seemed constricting. 

"I called them. They'll be here in a few minutes. Now, do you want me to call the funeral home, or should I?" She questioned. 

"You can, I j-just want to stay here," I whispered as I began to run my hands through Jungkook's soft hair. She walked off with her phone this time and I looked at my wrist. 

It was still colourful. Beautifully. Except for the small grey creeping onto it. 

Once it turned fully grey, I know another would appear on my right wrist. 

At least I have that small time to heal.

I stared at his soft, pale skin and brushed my fingers across his face. 

"Why'd you have to go and leave me alone?" I chuckled sadly. I could imagine his small smile creeping onto his face right now. 

But it didn't happen. 

My face went back into a resting position and I felt arms around my shoulder. 

"We're here for you Jiminie," Yoongi whispered as he grabbed onto me. I didn't let go of Jungkook. I just held onto him as everyone engulfed me in a hug. 

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that. 

Everyone hugging me, with Jungkook resting peacefully in the center. 

"Jimin ah, the funeral workers are here," Akira informed me. I nodded as everyone let go of. 

I picked up Jungkook's frail body and carried it bridal style. His arms spilled to the sides and his head bobbed on my arm. His crutches stayed in the same spot. 

He didn't need them anymore anyway. 

I walked out of the field and towards the road. I was met by the workers and they said that they could take him to be embalmed. I'm not sure what that means, but they said it would keep him 'preserved' until the funeral. 

"How long do you need to gather everyone for the funeral?" He asked. 

"Just three days or so," I spoke thinking of all the people I would have to call. I'm not sure if I would be able to handle it. Calling everyone. Telling them how he died. 

I felt like I could break right now. Having to repeat it over and over again wouldn't help.

They placed him into a small coffin and said that they would call me to plan the funeral. 

"Are you okay to go home?" Jin asked cautiously. I nodded blankly as I walked into his car. 

I stared at my fingers that once held Jungkook's soft hair. I imagined him in the seat where he always sat. Smiling. Happy. Alive. 


We walked up to my parent's house, all the boys too. We entered and my parent's engulfed me in a hug. Crying. Along with my siblings. 

"Oh sweetie," My mother held my head into her chest and the tears came once more. My little sister held onto my leg and pulled lightly on my pant leg. 

"Jiminie oppa, don't cry," She said as she cried. I pulled her up and propped her on my side. 

"Hypocrite," I chuckled as she wiped my tears. She laughed and played with my cheeks. She reached up and kissed my forehead. We were both engulfed in more hugs as I cried with my head on her shoulder. 

"Mika always manages to cheer you up," My father chuckled. Mika giggled in my arms and Mika's twin began to wine. 

"I want hyung to pick me up," Donhyun whined. I picked him up too and chuckled. They really did make me happy.

"I wish I had younger siblings," Namjoon said. 

"Having five is kinda crazy though. Plus, maybe it's for the better. You'd probably break them," I chuckled. He scoffed and everyone laughed. I like this. This atmosphere. 

It's what Jungkook would've wanted. For me to be happy. 



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