Day 1 ( 13 )

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I held his hand as I gripped back tears. My heart ached as my head throbbed. I couldn't process everything. He's gonna be gone? Seven days isn't enough... 

"Can he leave the hospital?" I turned my head to the doctor who had snuck in the room after our hug. 

"According to your father, he can but he cannot partake in strenuous activities," I processed his words slowly and nodded. I looked back at Jungkook and fought tears more vigorously for his sake. 

"Aish, you idiot, did you understand any of that?" Jungkook teased me. 

"Hey! Respect your hyung!" I playfully slapped him on the arm and he chuckled. 

"I'm still surprised you're older than me. You're a lot shorter," He continued to tease me. I sighed a bit and looked at him. We continued to playfully squabble for a bit until I looked at the time. 

"Hey, it's a bit past lunchtime. Do you want to go the cafe down the street with me?" I asked as I stood up. 

"Sure, let me get dressed," He went to stand up. He wobbled a bit and I helped him up. By now, his mother had shown up to talk about his condition so we were alone in the room. 

He stood still and I passed him his clothes. Shamelessly, he undressed. My face lit up with red and I turned around. A small chuckled arose from his mouth as he wrapped his arms around me. His bare chest pressed against my back and I wriggled in his arms. 

"Um... you should get dressed," I spoke while trying to not think about his rock hard abs pressing against my- OKAY! That's enough pervert. 

"But we could have so much fun," My mind began to wander again and I thought a little too much about what he was saying. I broke from my thoughts as I pushed away from him and took a deep breath. 

"We can have fun eating at the cafe," I spoke sternly, my eyes shut. He chuckled and I still faced away from him. 

"Party pooper," He pouted. 

"Pervert," I retaliated. He scoffed and a bit of ruffling could be heard. 

"I'm done changing," I turned around at his words and took in what he was wearing. His once bare chest was now covered in a large white shirt and a pair of denim jeans covered his legs. On his feet, he had a pair of Timbs. I frowned at the shirt and cursed myself for not looking at his abs. 

"Let's get going," I grabbed his wrist and tried to cool down my face. I moved my hand to be holding his hand and we walked out of the building. I'm pretty sure the nurse knew what was going on because she didn't ask questions. 

I held his hand whilst skipping as I led him to the cafe. 

"How are you feeling?" I questioned. 

"Just a tad dizzy, I hate having to wear this bandage too," He pointed to a white wrap on his head that I just noticed now. Whelp. 

"Delicious food will take your mind off of it," I smiled. It probably wouldn't, but it could distract him for a bit. 

"I hope you're right," He squeezed my hand and bunny-smiled down at me. I returned his smile with my eye smile and we continued walking. He couldn't move very quickly so it took quite a while to get there. 

When we did, I flung open the door. The smell of coffee berated my nostrils followed by cake and pastries. Underneath all of that, the smell of freshly cooked food wafted. It was a confusing smell but it was quite good. 

"Ah, it smells so good," Jungkook awed. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, going on his tip-toes while doing so. I smiled, thinking about his different sides. 

"What are you getting?" He asked me. I broke my gaze at the menu and turned to him. 

"I think I'm gonna get..." I scanned the menu a bit more before deciding. "Ooh! They have pork! I'll get that."

"Sounds good. I'll get some ramen," He gave me a light smile. We moved to the counter to order, hands still linked. 

"Hello! How may I help you?" The worker began to speak. He sounded freakily cheery. 

"One order of Ramen and one order of pork, please," I told him as I took out my wallet. 

"What side would you like with your pork. We have fruit, fries, or salad," He spoke, a smile on his plastic face. 

"Fruit please," I hastily responded, avoiding his beaming eyes. 

"Alright, here is your bill," He handed me the bill and I paid before Jungkook beat me to it. He pouted at me and I smiled. 

"I want to be able to give you everything. So, I'm starting with lunch," I smiled as he blushed a bit. I walked to a table as I listened for our number to be called. 

"This is such a cute cafe," I smiled as I sat at a cute wooden booth. He sat across from me, his blush still evident. 

"Yeah, but you're cuter," Jungkook smirked. It would've been even more effective if his blush had disappeared. But none the less, my face was covered in a deep blush within a matter of seconds. 

"H-Hey, don't say things like that!" I hit him playfully on the shoulder as he slid into the booth. Just like he slid into those DMs-

A few minutes passed and I grabbed our food. I brought it to our table and began to eat. We ate in silence, a nice silence. Too busy savoring the food to speak. 

We finished eating and hopped out of the restaurant. 

"I need a nap, I'm in such a food coma Kookie," I said as I walked slowly next to him. 

"Kookie? I like that," He spoke more to himself. I giggled slightly as I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

We walked, chatting happily until we approached the hospital. The bubble I kept myself in suddenly popped. Reality tumbled in and I remembered my situation. I began to notice every small possibility of him getting hurt and pushed him away from every crack. 

We kept talking as we entered his hospital room. I was still searching everywhere to make sure he was in no way in the way of danger. 

He sat on the hospital bed and I sat on a bench attached to the wall. We talked for what felt like hours until I noticed him yawn. I looked out the window and saw the sky was black. I whipped out my phone and saw that it was 9:00. (21:00)

"You should get to sleep, you look and sound tired," I spoke, sounding like Jin. 

"I don't want to though. When I wake up, you'll be at school and I'll be stuck here," He whined. I chuckled and stood up. I looked down at him and kissed him on the lips. 

"I'll visit you after school, I promise," I said as I pulled away. I walked out and waved to him as I closed the door. 

A single tear fell as I continued walking to the dorms. 

Six more days... 

I need more time. 

~ Author's Note ~

Sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I've had a few problems lately so I couldn't get to it. I'm sorry. 

Anywho~ Thank you for all the reads and votes! It's seriously amazing you guys. Thank you!

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