A Day

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The days had passed quickly and they somehow managed to pry me out of my room. 

It was Friday and by now, all of Jungkook's relatives were in the area. Getting ready for tomorrow.

"It's really turning grey," Taehyung spoke sadly as he examined my wrist. It had a small corner of colour still. But it was fading by the hour. 

"Leave him alone, here's your food," Jin said as he placed a plate in front of me. 

"You know, the teachers said you don't have to make up the work," Taehyung smiled and spoke happily. They had all gone to school but I stayed home all week. They always came after school and stayed till morning. 

"You're not coming today right?" Jin asked. I shook my head and picked at the food. I hadn't really spoken to them in a while. 

"Let's get going you guys," Hoseok said as he got his shoes on. 

"Have fun at school boys," My mother said as she hugged them all. They've basically become family at this point. 

"Bye Mrs. Jeon," They spoke in unison. She walked over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. Her vanilla scent reminding me of Jungkook's. 

"You should talk to them," She said as she let go. I nodded and she sighed. I watched her walk down the hallway into Mika and Donhyun's room. 

I ate the food Jin made and popped the dish in the sink. I washed it off a bit but left it in there. 

"Jiminie oppa!" Mika yelled as she ran and jumped on me. I caught her in my arms and pulled her up. 

"How'd you sleep?" I asked her quietly. 

"I slept well, but I wish I didn't have to go to school today," She pouted. I chuckled and Donhyun waddled out of his room. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. 

He walked over and held his arms out. I picked him up and kissed both on the forehead. 

"You guys wanna watch TV with Minji and Saeron?" I asked as I walked out. The two girls had Disney on as they waited until Mom would drive them. 

"I don't like Disney. It's for babies," Donhyun whined. 

"You are a baby," I laughed. 

"No, I'm a manly man," He yawned. I chuckled and placed him on Minji's lap.  Minji was a sophomore in high school and Saeron was in seventh grade. 

"Where's Taeyang?" Minji asked. 

"No idea, probably still sleeping," I said. 

"Go wake him up. He has to go in an hour," Saeron told me. 

"Bossy," I rolled my eyes. They chuckled as I walked to his room. 

"Come on, get up. Third grade won't pass itself," I joked. He threw a pillow at me and stood up. 


Everyone had left for school or work two hours ago and I was alone. I stared at my wrist as the tattoo grew grey and the colour shrank. 

I let it fall onto my bed again and stood up. I walked over to my desk and turned on my computer. 

I opened up my document and looked over my eulogy. I corrected a few things but deemed it good enough. 

I closed it again and walked around my room. I had chosen the photo of Jungkook to present.

Well, during the funeral.

But first, we would go to the wake where there would be lots of photos of him. A collage. 


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Most were candids of him. 

I smiled as I ran my fingers over it. I loved it. It was a perfect representation of him. The weird faces, the pretty ones. 

I looked at the large picture of him. He looked so happy. I had two to put up for it. 

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I walked back to my bed and laid down

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I walked back to my bed and laid down. Closing my eyes, I relaxed a bit and hoped for sleep.

On a good night, I'd get three hours now. A bad night, I wouldn't sleep a wink. 


"Hyung... Hyung. Hyung!" I was being shaken awake by my donsaeng. I peeled open my eyes and look at the time. 

6 am? What? Did I sleep all day?

"Come on, we have to get ready," Saeron said as he hit me with a pillow. 

"I'm hungry," I rubbed my eyes. He continued to hit me and I stood up. 

Still hitting me, I picked him up and slung him over my shoulder. 

"Hyung!" Her shouted. 

"This is what you get," I groaned. I rubbed my eyes with my free hand and walked into the kitchen. 

"Food," I spoke like a zombie. Jin handed me some and I sat down. I placed Saeron on the ground. 

I began to eat. This is going to be a rough day. 

Worse than I could think of...

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