Young Love (Wendy Marvell x Brave! Tomboy! Reader)

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I was sitting at one of the guild tables with Lucy-san when the doors burst open. We all turned our heads to see a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair covered in cuts, bruises, and her clothes were ripped. "Help." She whispered then fainted. I immediately ran over and started healing this girl. Natsu-san walked over then carried her to the infirmary. I continued to heal the girl until she woke up. "Where am I?" She asked. "The Fairy tail guild, I'm Wendy Marvell," I said then smiled. "Y/n Y/l/n." Y/n said with a bright smile. After I finished healing Y/n she walked outside. Master walked over. "Hello, I am Makarov the master of this guild, who might you be?" Master asked. "Y/n Y/l/n, a fire mage. May I join?" Y/n asked. "We'd love to have you, Y/n."

A few days later

Y/n seems comfortable with all of us. She's brave, a total tomboy, and has a sense of humor. "Wendy!" I turned around. Y/n was holding a flyer with a smile. "Shall we?" I blushed but nodded. I'll let you in on a secret, I like Y/n. She's my closest friend but I want so much more. "It's in a nearby town so should we walk it?" I nodded. After a twelve-minute walk, Y/n and I were in the town. It was deserted. "Bandits." Y/n murmured. Just as she said that three people walked out. "Let's go." Y/n ordered. I nodded. One came at me. "Lava blast!" A wave of lava swept me and Y/n away. I screamed from the pain of the burns. Y/n grabbed my hand then onto a window ledge. Our clothes were burned along with our legs. "Fire earthquake!" Y/n yelled. The ground around the bandits started to rumble then it became fire. "Water dome!" The fire was burned out quickly. "Elemental bandits, well that helps a lot. I'll take the one who uses grass, you take fire." I nodded. After Y/n pinpointed the grass mage we attacked. "Sky dragon talon!"

"Dance of fire!" The grass user fell to his knees then blacked out. "Sky dragon roar!" I took my guy out with my roar. "Pathetic." The last mage, who is the water mage, said. "Wendy," I looked at Y/n. She had a serious face on. "Get ready." I nodded. "Water monsters!" Giant monsters of water formed. One grabbed me. "Wendy!" Y/n yelled. I watched Y/n fight the water mage, she was at a disadvantage down there. Once she was thrown into a large building, I knew I had to fight. "Sky dragon wing attack!" The monster holding me exploded into nothing but droplets of water. I ran towards Y/n who was bleeding from her head.

"Y/n, wake up," I whispered. "Wendy..." She whispered back. "Look...out!" Next thing I knew I was pinned down and Y/n spat blood on my face. A dagger made of water went through her chest. We both stared at it in horror. "Wendy...fight." Y/n said. Tears fell down my cheeks. Then Y/n fell on top of me. She was breathing, but...I was now angry. Power surged through me. I glared at the man. "Sky dragon roar!" I gave him no time to attack after he crashed into a building. "Talon! Iron fist! Crushing claw!" By the time I was finished the man was down with all his other friends. I ran towards Y/n and picked her up. "Come on, there must be a hospital around here." As I walked Y/n helped a bit. "Wendy," She said weakly. "Yeah?" I asked. "I love you." My eyes widened and I stopped walking. A smile formed on my lips. "I love you, too." Then I kept walking, smiling beyond happiness could imagine.


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