We Were Happy Once (Levy McGarden x Mermaid! Reader) RS

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Levy was the local librarian's daughter, and bookworm. She could usually be seen prancing around the town with red glasses and a good book. Although she is seen as a bookworm and odd, she is very beautiful, and most men her age wish to be her husband. Unfortunately for them, Levy is not only as straight as a circle, she is madly in love with someone else. "Levy," Jet and Droy, huntsmen sons, caught the bookworms attention, "where are you going?" Jet had orange hair he wore in a ponytail. He wears purple undershirts with brown overalls and black boots. Droy was fatter, much fatter, and was in a white shirt, green pants, and boots. His hair was black and swirled at the top. "The beach," Levy answered. "Alone?" Jet asked with a flirty smirk. "No, my date should be waiting for me there." Everyone who heard froze. 

Levy trotted away happily. Everyone watched with large eyes. "McGarden got a date?" Sting Eucliffe, a married man who runs a circus, asked from his window. His husband, who looks like a girl at first glance, Rogue, watched as Levy left. "About time if you ask me." Sting glanced at his husband with a raised eyebrow. Levy crawled under the train rails cautiously. When she came out from the other side, a hidden beach came into view. A girl with long, y/h/c hair was in a small lagoon, leaning against the rocks. (If you don't have long hair just go with it, long hair is needed for a future part two) Levy ran towards her with a bright smile. "Y/n!" The girl turned her head happily. "Levy!" Y/n pulled herself onto the rocks, revealing an orangish-yellow tail that slowly became a ripe orange. An orange shelled bra was covering her rather large breasts. 

"I missed you so much!" Levy yelled, sitting next to the mermaid. "Me, too. It's really hard sneaking out." Y/n rested her head on Levy's shoulder. "What book did you bring today?" Y/n loved human stories. Whether it was real or not. "Beauty and the Beast," Levy answered, pulling the book out from her satchel. "Yipee!" Levy pecked Y/n softly on the cheek. Y/n giggled happily. "A tale as old as time," Levy started. 

"The end." By the time Levy finished, Y/n was keeping her head under the water. "Y/n~." Levy teased, poking her girlfriend with her pruney foot. "Who would write such an awful book?!" Levy rested the book on the sand before taking her legs out of the water. She backed up as far as she could. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked her eyes and the top of her head the only thing Levy could see. Without words, Levy jumped into the water. Y/n swam towards Levy with a bright smile. The sun just set and stars began appearing. Y/n wrapped her arms around Levy's neck before bringing their lips together. The kiss quickly became messy and French. Seeing as this is one-shot is not labeled as a lime or lemon, I will not go into detail...( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)

The next day, people were silently watching Levy walk excitedly down the streets. Most of the men seemed to be off on a hunt, but the bookworm didn't care. Levy happily pranced on the stones that led to the lagoon. "Okay, I know I took it too far with Beauty and the Beast, but look," Levy opened her satchel, she glanced at the place Y/n should've been, then froze. The rocks were drenched with blood, and a part of the water was an ugly red as well. "Y/n?" Levy slowly walked to the spot. "Y/n?" She said a bit louder. "Y/n?!" Now Levy was screaming, she was balling, too. "Y/n, where are you?!" Levy, in her panic, fell into the water. She didn't care at this point. Levy swam father out, calling loudly for her girlfriend. Soon, she had to rest on a rock, panting heavily, and throat sore from calling. A boat came into view. A huge group of men was laughing as a net hung over the water. "How should we do it?" It was Jet. "I say we gut the thing, take the scales, then leave it for the sharks," Droy answered. 

"Let me go!" Levy knew that voice. "Y/n?!" The men on the boat looked at Levy in shock. "Levy?" Jet asked loudly. Levy stumbled to her feet. "L-let her go!" Y/n had tears running down her face. "Levy!" She called. One man held his knife to Y/n tail. "Shut up, or we'll cut you again." Levy then noticed all the cuts and bruises on her lover. Levy saw a shark object in the ocean. She didn't care, she grabbed it then threw it at Y/n's net. Y/n fell out and into the water. Y/n used her tail to make a whirlpool, it started sinking causing the men to swim away. Levy smiled, thinking Y/n would swim over with a smile. But she didn't. Y/n glanced at Levy before swimming away quickly. Levy's smile fell. "Y/n, come back!" Levy called. Y/n continued to swim away. "Y/n!" Levy continued to call until her sobs and tears choked her. Levy balled on that rock until Sting and Rogue came to get her. They didn't ask why Levy was crying, they just took her home. "Y/n," Levy whispered continuously as Sting rested her on her bed. "Who's Y/n?" Sting asked Rogue. He shrugged to answer.

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