Comfort (Lucy Heartfilia x Celestial Spirit! Reader) A

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You are a powerful silver key celestial spirit. The elemental knight. You are happily Lucy's spirit not to mention one of her favorites. Y/n listened as Aquarius complained about Scorpio for the fifth time this week. She was about to suggest that she should dump the deadbeat when she got her, "Lucy needs me," feeling. "I have to go!" Y/n yelled then disappeared. Aquarius wanted to go after her but even she could tell this was about Lucy. When Y/n made it to the human world she saw Levy and Natsu creeping around Lucy's apartment. Levy grabbed Lucy's celestial keys that were on her desk. "Break these and she'll have to leave the guild." Recently the guild has been treating Lucy like bull shit and it's been driving Y/n insane. "I don't think so." Y/n spoke up. Natsu and Levy jumped. Levy dropped the keys but Natsu caught them. "Hand them over and no one gets hurt." Y/n said with her hand extended. "Never," Natsu said. "You asked for it, celestial water wave!" Natsu and Levy were thrown out the window and landed on the concrete sidewalk. In Y/n's hand was Lucy's keys, tightly gripped. Suddenly, she heard whimpering. After looking around for ten minutes, Y/n found her master crying under her bed. She was covered in beer, glass shards, cuts, and blood. "Lucy!" Y/n yelled. "Y/n..." Lucy whispered.

Y/n helped Lucy out from under the bed with a frown. "We need to get these glass shards out." Lucy nodded weakly. Carefully, Y/n picked the glass shards out with tweezers. Lucy and Y/n were on Lucy's bed. Lucy was in a tank top and her panties. "How many times have they done something like this?" Y/n asked as she pulled the last shard out. "Two months," Lucy said quietly. "AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO TELL US?!" Y/n yelled. Lucy flinched. "I'm sorry, but they're saying I use you as shields! I thought if I proved them wrong it'd stop." Tears were now falling down Lucy's cheeks. Y/n looked down at Lucy with pity. Then she sighed. "Come on, we need to wash you off, then disinfect you." Y/n led Lucy into the bath and started the water. Y/n was always the only person Lucy felt comfortable naked in front of, so as Lucy bathed Y/n sat right next to her. There was them a loud tapping noise. "I got it." Y/n said. She stood up then walked towards the window. The Thunder Legion, the dragons slayers, Erza, Happy, and Gray were all throwing stones at Lucy's window. "What?!" Y/n yelled angrily. "Where's the weakling, we want to kill her now," Natsu yelled with an amused smile. Y/n snapped. She jumped down from the window and grabbed Natsu by the scarf. "LISTEN CLOSELY, FUCKER! LUCY IS NOT WEAK, SHE IS STRONGER THAN YOU WILL EVER BE! SHE WILL ALWAYS BE SUPERIOR TO YOU! SHE DOESN'T USE US AS SHIELDS! WE WANT TO COME! WE WANT TO KEEP HER SAFE FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU! OPEN YOUR EYES, IDIOTS," Y/n looked at everyone. "YOU'VE BECOME THE BAD GUYS! YOU'VE BECOME THE ONES WHO HAVE HURT YOUR OWN! WENDY AND ROMEO AREN'T AS STRONG AS LUCY!" Wendy flinched.

"HAPPY AND CARLA CAN'T EVEN FIGHT! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? BEAT THEM TOO? NO! BECAUSE THAT'S DIFFERENT? YOU BEATING LUCY BECAUSE SHE ISN'T AS STRONG AS YOU MEANS YOU VALUE POWER OVER LOVE! YOU AREN'T STRONG, DRAGNEEL! YOU ARE WEAK! PITIFUL! AND JUST A DAMN EXCUSE FOR A FAIRY TAIL MEMBER! ALL OF YOU ARE MONSTERS! YOU RE LUCKY TO HAVE LUCY! LUCKY TO HAVE SOMEONE AS CARING, LOVING, AND YOU KNOW WHAT, FORGIVING AS HER! SHE WAS GOING TO COME BACK EVERYDAY HOPING YOU'D TAKE HER BACK! SHE'S TOO GOOD FOR ALL OF YOU! NOW SCRAM!" Terrified, the wizards left. "Y/n..." Y/n turned around. Lucy was there, with wide, teary eyes. Y/n blushed a dark red. "Thank you." Lucy hugged her spirit tightly. She started crying again but tears of joy. "I-I love you." Y/n's blush deepened. "I love you, too." Lucy and Y/n looked at each other. They leaned in closely, then the gap between them was closed. They broke apart then smiled. "Will you...spend the night?" Y/n nodded. "I'll stay every night if you want." That night Lucy had the greatest sleep she's had in the last three months. Y/n holding her close and by the waist, never wanting to let go of her angel.

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