Royal Escort (Princess! Wendy Marvell x Knight! Reader) F

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Requested by: StevieBlackwell9


"Princess Wendy, time to wake up." I groaned and rolled. The blanket was pulled off of my body. The wave of cold washed over me. I fell off the bed. I rubbed my head as I heard laughing. "Y/n~!" I groaned as my personal knight, Y/n, leaned against the wall to laugh. I threw a pillow at her head angrily. I am Princess Wendy of the Sky and Fire Empire. Y/n is my royal escort and knight. She's my age, thirteen. Y/n was decked out in her sky blue armor with her red sword tucked in her hilt. "Come on," Y/n said as she squatted down to my level, "get changed into something pretty, we have a trade meeting with the Iron Empire and the Lightning Empire." I nodded then walked into my huge closet. "According to Queen Gradine, you should wear something white with a red bow." I nodded then found the perfect outfit. It came with a staff and two roses. (Media)

When I walked out, Y/n blushed slightly. "P-perfect, let's go." I nodded then followed Y/n out of my room. Y/n always walked directly next to me. Never in front, never behind. She takes her job as my escort seriously, just as Natsu-Nii's, my brother, royal escort, Lucy Heartfilia, does. "So," I said awkwardly, "how effective do you think this meeting will be?" Y/n glanced at me. I can never read her correctly. I don't know much about her. All I know is she likes the color dark blue, her favorite food is y/f/f, and she loves to mess around in her free time. "Seeing as Prince Natsu and King Igneel won't be in the same room as Prince Gajeel and Laxus and King Metalicana, I'd say it will be very effective." I giggled.

Y/n smiled at me amusingly. "With a giggle like that, you'll find a prince soon." I blushed dark red. "O-oh, you think?" Y/n nodded. "Though," She suddenly stopped walking, "I think you have an amazing chance of earing a beautiful princess." I blushed darker. I'm pansexual, Y/n knows this because as a royal escort she must know everything. About me mostly. "I don't know." Y/n chuckled before grabbing hold of my hand. I blushed even darker. "Come on, if we don't walk quickly, we'll be late." I nodded, speed walking with Y/n. Her hands were warm. The large wood doors faced us. "Good luck," Y/n leaned closer towards me, "Princess." She kissed my cheek before walking away slowly. I blushed. I cleared the blush before walking into the meeting room. Prince Gajeel, a large boy with long, bushy black hair and red eyes, he has piercings all over his face, was sitting next to his father, King Metalicana, who has short silver hair, other than that he looked exactly like his son. Prince Laxus, a man with spiky blonde hair and black eyes, was sitting across from Prince Gajeel and King Metalicana. 

Mama was sitting in the head seat. Her sky blue hair with one white strip was n a high, neat bun. Her blue eyes were hidden behind her small glasses, much like Minerva McGonagall's from Harry Potter, and she was in a beautiful silk, blue gown. I quickly sat down next to her. Prince Gajeel smirked at me. I smiled at him. Prince Gajeel is always so nice to me, it's because I remind him of his little sister, Amelia, who passed away a long time ago. Prince Laxus, on the other hand, hates me. It's because of how the Sky and Fire Empire is much stronger than his. "We shall start with what your empire's wish to have from my empire," Mama spoke up, starting the meeting. "My empire wishes to have some of your medicines, working in the iron mines brings sickness to my people, I fear if they die, my wife will fall very depressed." Stella Redfox was King Metalicana's wife, who cares for the kingdom greatly. "That is doable, the Sky people of this empire are very skilled in medicine making."

Mama wrote on a piece of paper, 'Iron Empire; Medicines,' After that, I didn't pay much attention. I was distracted by what Y/n did. She never showed such...such...affection towards me. Mostly just a gentle pat on the shoulder or a nice smile. Never hand holding or a kiss. I will admit, I have had a large crush on Y/n for a long time, but I thought it was one-sided. "EXCUSE ME?!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mama screaming. I looked around confused. King Metalicana was holding Prince Gajeel back, Prince Laxus was smirking evilly, licking his lips slowly, and Mama was red with furry. "You heard me, I want that daughter of yours." I flinched. "Bastard!" Prince Gajeel yelled. "Wendy," Mama said coldly, "leave. Now." I didn't hesitate. I ran.

After turning five corners, I collapsed onto someone. I opened my eyes to see Y/n's beautiful y/e/c eyes. I blushed. She was blushing dark red, too. "Princess Wendy, are you alright?" I was still star-struck, I've never been so close to her before. "Princess-" I smashed my lips on hers. Y/n gasped confused. I didn't want to pull away. Y/n wrapped her arms around my waist before kissing me back. I rested my hand on her cheek. We pulled away with large blushes. "I love you." Y/n unconsciously said. I blushed darker, as did she. "I-I-I m-mean-"

"I love you, too." We kissed once more. I fell in love with my royal escort, my knight, the one who knows me more than I know myself.

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