Sheathed Heart (Kagura Mikazuchi x Silent! Strong! Reader) RS

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"Welcome our new member, Y/n Fullbuster." I paid more attention when I heard that last name. A girl with hair that was y/h/c and y/h/l long stood in front of the guild. Her eyes were odd, not an odd color, they were y/e/c, they just looked so...dead inside. She was in a skin-tight black tank top with skinny straps that made a thick line that covered some of her neck. A y/f/c flannel shirt was wrapped around her waist, she was in skinny jeans and was wearing black combat boots. She had a six pack, impressive muscles, and even a few tattoos. What caught my attention the most, was the scars all over her body. There was one on her neck, five on each arm, a large one on her shoulder, I'm sure her legs had a couple, along with her stomach, but the one that startled me most was the x shaped one over her left eye. I could see an earring of a snowflake on her right ear and a rainbow bead bracelet on her wrist. Master smiled then wandered away, leaving us to meet the newbie.

Milliana was the first to talk to her, "Do you happen to be related to Gray Fullbuster, from the Fairy Tail guild?" Y/n nodded her head, then she said in a smooth voice, "He was my brother." Milliana asked, "Was?" Y/n pointed where her Mermaid Heel guild mark was, the palm of her left hand. "I used to be in the Fairy Tail guild, until Gray, along with most of our members, died on Tenrou Island." That seemed to be all she would say because before anyone could take pity on her, she grabbed a request and left the guild. I watched her with a frown. She made me curious, her aura is interesting, I want to know more about her.

When Y/n returned a day later, she was covered in fresh cuts but she didn't look injured one bit. "How was the job?" Milliana asked. "Fine," Y/n answered. She walked to the request board and grabbed another request. She left again without a word to any of us. "Y/n must love working," Beth said with her hands on her hips. "Or she just really needs money," Risley suggested with folded arms. It was like this for a while, Y/n would come back covered in fresh wounds, would only answer one question with one or three words, then go on another job. On the rare occasion, she stayed behind after a request, it'd be to speak with the master.

Finally, after a few months of this, I confronted Y/n. She was outside of the guild, leaving for another request. "Hey," she looked at me, "I'd like to speak with you." Now, we were on the beach, facing the ocean. "What's your problem with the other girls? You hardly even look at them." Y/n scoffed. "You have no room to talk, Kagura." I was surprised she even knew my name, seeing as she has only ever spoken to the master of Milliana. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, defensively. "You and I are similar, we cut off all emotions, including people. I see right through you, Kagura. You want revenge on someone, and frankly, I don't care who. But what you're doing is just like me. Being an emotionless human being who-" I shoved my sheathed sword into Y/n's gut, causing her to fall down. Something snapped in both of us because we started fighting.

Y/n was a skilled ice mage, so skilled, she didn't have to use the name of her spells. "Admit it, Kagura," Y/n yelled, covered in cuts and blood, her earring slightly chipped and bracelet broken, "your heart is sheathed," I froze, "it's sheathed because the one person you have ever loved is dead!" I could see this wasn't about just me anymore. I stopped fighting. I picked up the broken bracelet carefully then walked towards Y/n. She watched closely as I knelt down in front of her. "You miss him?" I asked, staring down at the bracelet. "Yes, very much. He was the only person I could bring myself to care for, now..." I was shocked when a tear landed on my hand, "he's gone."

I tied the bracelet in a knot to the best of my abilities and put it back on Y/n's wrist. "This was a present, wasn't it?" Y/n nodded her head. "Before he left, I had confessed that I was a lesbian to him. Gray stopped talking to me, and I thought it meant he didn't want me anymore. But, before I left, he gave me this bracelet. He made it himself. He was gay, too." Y/n wiped her tears. That's the most emotion I've seen her have, and it was painful. "What about you?" I removed my headband and twisted it in my hands. "My brother, Simon, gave this to me a long time ago when I was just a little girl. Before he was taken away from me. I searched everywhere for him, only to learn he was killed." Y/n hugged me, and I returned it. "Come on, we should get cleaned up." Y/n pulled me to my feet by my hand. We blushed but didn't let go. Before we reached her apartment, we interlocked fingers completely.

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