Dropout and President (Juvia Lockset x Dropout! Reader) 2/2 F

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I blinked in shock as Juvia shoved the paper into my chest. Juvia speed walked away with a dark blush on her face. Gajeel watched her walk away. "What was that about? What did she give you?" I looked at my note. How it said that if Juvia was fine with a date she should just give me the paper. "Just a panty shot," I said casually while slipping the paper into my back pocket. "Shit, really?!"Gajeel yelled with a blush. "No, dumbass, she's the fucking Student Council President, she would never give someone like me a panty shot." Gajeel scoffed before walking away. I glanced at where Juvia walked away to see her hiding behind a tree, holding her chest. I jogged towards her. "So eight?" I whispered in her ear. Juvia jumped at my sudden voice in her ear. She looked at me with a redder face. "Y-yes, w-we c-can meet h-here," I smirked at Juvia's nervousness. "Whatever you say." I pecked her cheek before walking away.

Saturday, 8:00

"Wow," I said actually stunned, "you really came." Juvia blushed and started squirming. "J-Juvia wanted to give Y/n-san a chance." She's too fucking adorable. I was wearing a white dress shirt, a black tie, my leather jacket, black jeans, and red sneakers. Juvia was in a blue knee high dress with a dark blue jacket, purple flats, and a necklace. "Welp, time to have some fun!" I grabbed Juvia's hand and started running. Juvia ran with me with a curious smile. Juvia had sparkly eyes when she saw where I took her, an aquarium. She excitedly ran inside. I paid for us then watched Juvia stare at all the fish. She seemed very interested in the sharks. "I didn't take you for a shark lover." Juvia blushed nervously and played with her fingers. "Juvia's father was a shark lover, she actually owns five shark plushies." I smiled. I grabbed Juvia'shand with a smirk. "Here," I said then took off my necklace, which was hidden under my shirt.

I clipped the necklace the showed Juvia how she looked with my phone camera. Juvia played with the shark tooth necklace with dazzled eyes. "Thank you!" She said before hugging me tightly. I blushed. Juvia released me and started running around. I followed close behind with y hands in my pockets. It wasn't until the large tank of Lionfish came in view did I get interested. I smiled brightly at the large tank of the fish. I rested one hand on the glass. "Juvia didn't take you for a Lionfish lover," Juvia said, quoting my shark quote. "My mom loved Lionfish, just like you, I own five Lionfish plushies." Juvia smiled up at me until she saw the single tear roll down my cheek.

"What's wrong?" Juvia rested a hand on my shoulder. "My mom is dead, she took me to an aquarium before she was taken to the hospital. She spent ten minutes telling me about Lionfish, I wasn't interested, but because my mom was talking I paid attention." Suddenly, a pale but warm hand rested on mine. I looked at Juvia shocked. A tear was running down her cheek. "Thank you for telling Juvia." After that, the date was going super well. We touched stingrays, laughed at the jellyfish who were hitting each other, and watched a clip from Jaws, that didn't scar either of us. My arm was wrapped around Juvia as we walked towards the exit. Juvia suddenly stopped and ran away. I followed her into the gift shop. She was talking to the cashier happily. "What are you-" Juvia handed me something soft. I looked down, it was a small shark plushie. I blushed a bit.

"Something to remember Juvia," I smirked then picked up a Lionfish plushie. I handed the cashier a ten dollar bill then handed Juvia the plushie. "Here's something to remember me." Juvia and I smiled then walked outside. It was 9:00 and places were closed. "That was a fun date!" Juvia yelled happily. "That wasn't it," I said with a smirk. Juvia looked at me confused. I led Juvia as she held her eyes closed. "Ready...open." Juvia opened her eyes then gasped. In front of her was a large pond. She ran into it without hesitation. I put the plushies somewhere safe before joining her. We splashed each other while laughing. When we stopped it was because Juvia slipped. She caused both of us to fall. Juvia blushed as our noses touched. "Y/n-sama has pretty eyes," Juvia mumbled. I blushed dark red. I rested my hand on Juvia's face. "Yo have beautiful hair." Then we kissed.

It wasn't messy or hot. It was passionate and soft. The two of us broke apart with blushes. "Thank you," I said while resting my forehead on Juvia's forehead. "For what?" She asked me. "For making me think I'm more than a dropout." Juvia kissed my cheek happily. "Thank you for making Juvia feel like she's more than a Student Council President."

A month after Juvia and I started dating, I got back into Fairy Tail Academy. While I stayed dressed as a bad kid I was actually a pretty good student. Not an A+ student but a B- student. I got the You-Break-Her-Heart-I-Break-You talk from all of Juvia's close friends, Erza and Lucy's were the scariest. I was waiting outside the Student Council meeting room for Juvia. I had my phone in my hand as I waited. The door opened and everyone shuffled out. "Hey, Y/n." They all said bye to me. Juvia was cleaning up as I walked inside. "Y/n-sama!" She yelled happily then hugged me. I chuckled and hugged her back. "I love you," I whispered in her ear. "Juvia loves you, too."

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