Take The Leap (Mavis Vermilion x Fearless! Reader) F

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I had a friend long ago, her name was Y/n and she always knew how to make me feel better. Y/n was a wonderful swordswoman. Y/n was fearless, whenever she told me she could do it I would believe it. She always said this one line I never understood, "Take the leap." I never got it, until that one day.

Cannons fired as the ships approached the town. Everything was on fire and all I did was watch with teary eyes. "Mavis," someone grabbed my hand, "come on!" Y/n ran deep into the forest but we weren't quick enough. "GET THOSE GIRLS!" Darts and arrows shot at us. Y/n maneuvered out of the way but we were hit. A dart grazed her shoulder while an arrow barely missed my arm. We ran quickly until we saw our dead end, a cliff. "What do we do?" I asked in a panicked voice. "Take the leap, Mavis!" Y/n yelled. "What leap?" I asked. I got my answer when Y/n grabbed my hand and jumped off the cliff.

I screamed as we fell. "Open your eyes, Mavis!" I opened them. Y/n was smiling brightly at me. Her y/h/c hair was flowing in the wind. Her y/e/c eyes shined due to the sunset. I extended my hand out to her, Y/n grabbed it then pulled me forward. "This is insane, Y/n!" I yelled over the wind. "This is what I mean, Mavis! Take the leap, whenever you have doubt, fear, you jump into it, knowing you can do it means you will do it." I wrapped my arms around Y/n's neck then started laughing. Y/n started laughing with me. I rested my forehead onto hers. "Mavis," I looked at Y/n, she was smiling like no tomorrow, "I'm taking another leap." I looked at her confused. Y/n put her hand on my cheek and leaned in.

Our lips connected. My eyes widened but I melted into the kiss. My arms wrapped around Y/n's neck as she cupped my face. We broke apart with smiles. "I love you," Y/n said but her smile fell, "and I'm sorry." I was confused. Y/n suddenly pushed me away forcefully. I looked at the ground. I was now under a stream while Y/n was under, ground. "No!" I hit the stream, knocking out.

By the time I woke up I knew she was dead, I know because it was night and up above me, on my nose, was a y/f/c fairy. I cupped it in my hands and kissed its small head. The fairy disappeared into sparkles. I cried for hours that night.

To this day I still mourn Y/n, the day she died, May 13th...her birthday. "First master," I looked down, Lucy was staring up at me, "are you alright, you zoned out." I smiled at her. "Yes, just remembering an old friend." Suddenly, the guild doors opened. A girl with shoulder length, y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes walked inside. 'It's her.' I thought with wide eyes. "First master, are you okay?" Laxus asked me. "That girl..." I said, pointing at her. "What girl? I see no girl." I looked at Laxus shocked. "Pardon me," I looked at the girl, she also had wide eyes. "....Mavis." I didn't care if I looked weird, I jumped into Y/n's arms. I was crying happily, "Y/n! Y/n! You're here! You're here!"

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