I'll Come Back (Lucy Heartfilia x Adventurous! Reader) S

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"Please, don't leave me again." I heard a celestial mage cry to herself. I had recently told her that I'm leaving the guild to go on an adventure to somewhere dangerous. I've done stuff like this before but never have left the guild. Lucy would always wait patiently, even though I'd take months. I was gonna grab the doorknob but a force stopped me. "She can leave for all I care! She does this all the fucking time to me. I love her but she keeps leaving me." Lucy cried harder.

"Lucy, I love you, too," I whispered before walking back into the guild. "Hey, Y-Are you okay?" Gray asked me. "No," I said with bangs covering my eyes. "Are ya leaving again?" Natsu asked disappointedly. "Says the one who left without a goodbye or warning." I snapped and glared at Natsu. He shut up and I walked into masters office. When he saw me he sighed a deep, long sigh. "Leaving again, child?" He asked me. I nodded my head yes before bursting into tears and falling onto the floor. "What's wrong?" Master asked as he rubbed my back. "I need to leave. I have to! My families in danger but...but Fairy tail is also my family, and Lucy...she-"

"I know. It will hurt to leave for real this time, I know that. I know that you love adventures and Lucy would always welcome you home. I know that you are in fact in love with her, but..." Master trailed off. "But what?" I asked. "Leaving will save your family, but you know that this time, Lucy will not wait." I nodded my head. "Please remove my guild mark." Master nodded and removed the guild mark on my lower arm. "Thank you, gramps." I left his office with tears still streaming down my face. Everyone stared at me as I tried to walk out of the guild with my head held high. "When will you be back?" Wendy asked me. I grinned at her. "When I know Lucy will be happy to see me." After I said that I broke into a sprint to Lucy's apartment.

"LUCY!" I yelled and banged on her door. "Come on open up!" I yelled once more before looking at the open window. "Well, everyone's gotta be a Natsu at one point." I jumped up and managed to grab the ledge. I pulled myself up and rolled in through the window. I landed on the bed and heard a scream. I opened my eyes and saw Lucy. Her eyes were red and puffy, and tear stains scratched her face. A wave of sorrow and guilt washed over me, knowing I was the one to make her cry like this. "W-what do you want?" She asked me.


I stared at Y/n with teary eyes. I don't want to see her. The last thing I want is to see the girl who broke my heart. "Go away." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Lucy, please li-" I cut her off. "GO AWAY!" I screamed but my voice cracked. "Lucy, please." I felt someone grab my arms. I opened my eyes and saw Y/n in front of me. "Please." I avoided eye contact and looked at her guild mark. It wasn't there. No...my eyes filled with more tears. "YOU QUIT!" I yelled and pushed Y/n. "Yes but-"

"WHY?! Why do you always leave me?! I don't want you to leave...please...please stay." I rubbed my face trying to wipe the tears. "I count the days, sometimes months. But I always lose count! Can't you just stay? Can you just...not leave me?" I yelled and fell on my knees. "Lucy." Y/n hugged me. "I know it's hard, I know. And I'm sorry, but this time...my families at risk. Please, wait." Y/n made me look at her. Tears were running down her face. "Y'know the best thing about being back?"

"W-what?" I asked between sobs. "I get to see you." Then I felt salty lips on mine. Y/n held my waist and my hands rested on her chest. When we broke apart the tears streamed faster. "I love you," I whispered. "I'll come back, I promise." Y/n kissed my cheek and gave me one last hug. I watched her jump out the window and run away into the mist. I watched the love of my life run away from me. "I LOVE YOU!"

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