Our Arrival and Muffins (Allora's POV)

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I was ready for this. Five months of training finally paid off. I was ready to fight for the Blue Team with my friend Frost. We trained together back on Earth.

Yes, we were on another planet.

We were both wearing our matching blue armor. We haven't quite gotten to where we can get our own colors. Soon we will.

"So this is it?" I asked.

"You sound surprised." Frost said.

"I guess I thought it would be better." I said.

"Let's go and meet up with our leader." Frost said.

"Modulator on?" I asked.

"Yep." Frost said.

"Good." I replied.

We got off the ship and headed for the camp. It was better than I expected.

"Why do you have your helmet off?" asked Frost.

"I don't hide like a coward." I replied.

Frost glared at me but continued forward.

"Frost! Silverblood!" called a voice from behind.

We whirled around to see a man in ice blue armor. (Church) I smiled.

"Hey." I said.

"Hello Allora." the man said. "Been a while."

I nodded.

"Who are you?" asked Frost.

"I am your leader." he said. "Call me Church."

"Nice armor." said Frost.

"Thanks, but no time for small talk, we need to get you two set up and ready for battle." Church said.

He pointed to an empty tent.

"You will both will stay there." Church said. "Meet me tomorrow for the plans."

"Before you go, do you two know how to drive a tank?" Church asked.

"No, why?" I asked.

"We got this tank and no one on is stupid planet can drive it."

"Well that's perfect!" yelled Frost. "We have an awesome weapon that we can't even use!"

"I'm with him on this one."

I looked behind me and saw a soldier in teal armor leaning on the entrance. (Tucker)

"This is Tucker." said Church. "One of my least favorite recruits."

"That's me." Tucker said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well?" Frost asked.

"What?" Tucker asked.

"What do you mean what!" Frost yelled. "Your obviously here for a reason!"

"Oh, right."

Frost put his hands in his face.

"Baka." I said.

"What?" Church asked.

"It means idiot in Japanese." I said.

"Oh-- HEY!" Tucker said.

"Anyway, is there something you want to share that's important?" I asked.

"Yeah," Tucker said. "Caboose made muffins."

I stared at him. Was that it? Muffins?!

Before I could react, Frost punched Tucker in the chest which knocked him out.

"MUFFINS?!" Frost yelled. "You wasted two minutes of my life for him to tell us someone made MUFFINS?!"

Frost stormed off to our tent.

It was silent for a while.

"I might go get some." I said.

"Good idea." Church said. "Get some energy for our attack tomorrow."

I waved and headed into the kitchen. It smelled awesome. I  peaked over the table to see a blue pulling muffins out of the oven.

"Hello?" I asked.

He hit his helm on the table.

"Oh, sorry." he said.

He hit his head on the chair this time.

"Ah, sorry." he said again.

He stood up.

"That was a little embarrassing." he said.

"It's fine." I said. "Do you know where Caboose is?"

"That would be me." he said.

"Oh, well hi then." I said. "Can I have some muffins?"

"Sure, be careful." Caboose said. "There hot."

"Thanks Caboose." I said.

"Of course." Caboose said.

I took a bite. I eyes widened.

"Wow." I said.

"Is something wrong?" Caboose asked.

"No, they're fine." I said. "But they're really good."

"Thanks." Caboose said.

"But yeah, they are hot." I said.

"Like you." Caboose said.


"Nothing." Caboose quickly said when he realized what he just said.

It was silent for awhile. It was getting awkward with all the silent moments.

"Well, I'm going to see how Frost is doing." I said.

"Ok, come back soon." Caboose said.

I trained after I left the muffins. I was in the training area for too long. It was dark outside. Too dark. I tried to scout my way back until I fell on top of someone. My eyes adjusted and it was Church.

"Oh!" I said. "Sorry." I quickly got up.

"It's fine." he said.

"Trying to get back?" I asked.

"Yes. You?"


I realized I had a light with me. I dug for it in my bag and pulled it out.

"Here." I said giving Church the flashlight.

"Thanks. But can you find your way?" he asked.

"Don't worry." I said.

"Ok." Church said.

Ten minutes later, I found my tent and took off my armor and fell asleep. This is only the beginning of more crazy things.

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