Log Date 32 Allora's Back! (Kira's POV)

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I woke up to find it was dead silent, I walk out of where I was sleeping.

To see a figure with white wings and a ghostly figure with it's arm around the winged figure's shoulders.


The winged figure looked at me. It was Allora.

"Hey, Kira."

I stood there glaring as hard as I could.


"What are you doing." I said cooly.

"I don't know, trying to sleep?" she said sarcastically.

I nodded at Church's direction.

"Oh, I actually don't know." Allora said.

She shook Church an inch.

"Wake up." she whispered.


She nodded towards me. Church sat up and looked at me.

"What?" he asked.


"We were just talking." he replied.

"Are you still worked up about the kiss?" Allora asked.

"It wasn't just that." I muttered.

They didn't seem to hear me.

"Well," she said.

Allora got up and stretched.

"I'm gonna see what Tucker and Caboose are up too."

She left.

"You have your pajamas on!" I yelled.

"I don't care!" she yelled back.

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes she can be childish.

"What's your problem?" asked Church.

"Ptph." I said. "Nothing."

"It's obviously not nothing Kira." said Church.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Church stood and looked at me with a frown.

"Just spit it out Kira."

"I told you, it's NOTHING!" I said.

"Are you jealous or something?" he asked.

My ears felt hot.

"I-um-no!" I yelled.

"Yeah, sure Kira."

"IT'S NOTHING!" I yelled.


I looked up to see Allora, Tucker and Caboose walking down.

"We could hear you from all the way up to the cliff." Allora said.

"Sorry." I said.

"Let's sit down and relax, Caboose made Banana muffins." she said.

"Fresh out of the oven." he added in cheerfully.

I rolled my eyes. That guy really needs to stop making muffins and fight more.

Allora sat down on the couch and Church sat down next to her. They were whispering something I couldn't quite make out. I was about to lean in closer to hear until Tucker shot a clay bowl. Without turning around, Allora made a face palm and said,

"Let me guess, you used a sniper rifle?"




"I'll clean it up."

Allora got up and looked for a dust pan. I sat down next to Church.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, can't I just chill here for a minute?"


Church got up and left.

I wish I could tell him about my dream,

Flashback to dream-

I was standing in a huge house, It was quiet, then I heard footsteps. I turned around so quickly I almost ran into a young girl, she looked to be around the age of 9, She looked up at me and smiled and said


I jumped in surprise in what I saw next, a man who looked half asleep right behind the girl.

"Kira?" he asked quietly

I stared at him then looked down and saw that I was wearing the pajamas I had on that night,

"Church, who is this?" I whispered to Church.

"Our daughter, Emily." he said.

I then picked up Emily and hugged her,

I then woke up

Back to Reality-

I really need to tell Church about my dream, but every time I go to tell him he is busy. Could it be Allora? What if he hates me? Or worse, Allora and Church are back together?! I could not take his thoughts. 

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