Log Date 16 Does This Involve Guns? (Church's POV)

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Ghosts don't need to sleep so I spent endless hours floating around. It kinda gets boring. Kira told us about the dream she had (more like a nightmare), Caboose was staring and following with each word she said and Tucker was being Tucker.

"How do we know where to look?" I asked.

"It's not like I can go see Allora and ask. She isn't a ghost. She might be some kind of memory that her spirit has or something."

"True...but we need to figure out the first part of the riddle." Caboose said.

"What does she mean by orb is hidden deep within something that pure hearts can find?" I asked.

"Well, we are kind of pure of hearts." said Kira.

"Maybe something in our organs had something to do with it?"

asked Tucker.

"GROSS!" Kira said.

"One, eww, and two, really Tucker?" I said.


"She also did that life and death can't be decided."

"Wait, I've got it!" I said. "In the dream, Allora said that she shouldn't have existed, she also didn't know wether to die or to live at O'Malley's base. The part about guns and wind.....I know, the place where we will battle the red team! It's always windy there!"

"So....what you are saying is that the orb is somewhere no one can see but us and Allora is near where we fight the reds and where O'Malley's base is?" asked Kira.


"Brilliant." she said.

"How are we going to get there without being seen?" asked Tucker.

"TO THE PORTAL!" yelled Kira.

I went through the portal and was covered in black stuff.

"Doesn't anyone know what the heck this stuff is?" I asked.

"That would be on my bucket list." said Tucker.

"I'm not surprised."

We arrived at the mountain area but we couldn't find the orb thing.

"I wonder if Allora really wasn't supposed to exist." said Tucker.

I looked at him.

"I mean, like what did she mean by that?" asked Tucker.

"Who knows," said Kira. "She always keeps secrets whether she likes to or not."

"Now we're all gonna die thanks to her." said Tucker.

"It might not be her fault." said Caboose.

I leaned on a rock.

"This is taking forever!" I said.

"We should have seen or heard something." said Caboose.

"Maybe you're right where you're supposed to be."

I loaded my gun and looked around. At first we didn't see anything.

"Behind you."

I looked back and saw a misty Allora next to where I was before.

"SO you DID come back as a ghost." I said.

"Not....exactly but I came to give you a hint." she said.

"What is---"

"So did YOU kiss Church or am I wrong?!" asked Kira.

Allora looked like she might die again.

"Look, I don't have forever but follow me." she said. We walked over to the area where she was and she punched the rock and it rolled over.

"SECRET TUNNEL!" yelled Caboose.

"Make sure you cover it back up before O'Malley sees this place." Allora said.

I nodded.

We entered the cave.

Tucker closed the rock behind us.

"There's plenty of air in here to last a few thousand years." Allora said. "This way."

She tapped the crystals on her way. To my surprise, the lit up. We went really far down til someone could barely see a purple and white light. We entered the room to find a huge room with everything you could need. Fresh food, a bed, lava and crystals for light, a small waterfall for water, a sitting area. I could get used to this. In the middle was a fragment of some kind on crystal. I realized it was part of the orb we needed.

"Welcome to my base." she said. "This is part one of two fragments you need."

"Could we--"

"Of course, stalk up supplies, live here, hide valuables. You name it."

"Great." said Tucker.

Allora smiled then remembered something.

"I have to go back!" she said. "O'Malley is coming through the portal."

"How much time?" I asked.

"Five minutes." she said.

"Meet me upstairs." I said. "Everyone, stay here and load up."

I ran upstairs to see Allora waiting patiently.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I wanted to see you again."

She turned a pale red.

"Honestly, me too. I just didn't have the time."

"Are you half human half spirit thing?"




"I wouldn't be able to do this."

"Do wha--"

I kissed her.

She was crying.

"I just want to stay." she said.

"I do want you to stay." I said.

She pushed away.

"O'Malley's here. Bye."

I kissed her again then she vanished.

The mist healed my scars and cuts.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I headed down to see Caboose making muffins and Kira chilling. Tucker was asleep on Allora's bed.

"What did she want?" asked Kira.

I turned red.


I was glad I put my helmet back on before coming back.

"The muffins are ready." Caboose announced.

"What flavor?" I asked.

"Pineapple. Allora's favorite." he said smiling.

I got a cringe of jealousy.

"You are all over her Caboose." Kira and Tucker said at the same time.

"What, she's........hot..."

"Oh, Caboose I can't have those muffins,"


"I am allergic to Pineapple"

"Just give me the muffins!" I said.

"After this muffin break we're on our way to the mountain."

"It's night."


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