Log Date 5 Our arrival (Oakley's POV)

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We walked up to the blue base,

"This is the place." said my sister Tex.

"Is this not the place where Church was assigned?" I asked

Tex shrugged. We walk up to see a rookie standing there

"Who are you?" he yelled, but his voice was Female!

"I'm Oakley, This is my brother Tex!" I yelled

"You're the freelancers? "

"Yes. " Tex called

"Come on up! " he said

We walked up there to find four people, three in rookie colors, the fourth in teal armor.

"Hey, I am Tucker, This is Frost, Allora, and Caboose."

Pointing to everyone in turn. Allora waved. She had her helmet off, stupidly. She could have lung problems. Frost, he took off his helm, But he was a she!

"Sup." she said

She whipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Hi," said Caboose

Frost did a facepalm.

Allora rolled her eyes, but smiled. Did she like Caboose? Nevermind. Allora looked like she was going to do something but stood there. She was actually good at keeping herself calm like that. Did she take meditation or something? Ugh, focus. I came here to fight, not admire a rookie. Frost looked like she was going to shoot us and she looked familiar, but she just, how do I put it, barked. It surprised us.

Allora opened her mouth, then closed it. She might be shy, but who cares. Ugh! Admiring Allora again.

"Sorry, We just lost our leader and our flag, We need your help." said Frost.

"Please?" said Allora.

She looked down a bit but maintained her smile.

Frost got a faraway look in her eyes like she had a bad memory, She looked like she would burst into tears.
Allora did a fistbumb, handshake or whatever and said, "Welcome! So glad you would make it. I thought we wouldn't get any help because our leader, he--"

She stopped short.
"Nevermind." she answered. "Tell them Frost."

Frost walked away to the base.

"Church died!" said Tucker.

Allora nudged him hard in the stomach.

"Oww..." he said.

How in the universe would her reach him through the metal?

Ugh! Why do I keep admiring her? This is weird. Allora looked away, laughing to herself, trying to get the tears out of her eyes.

"So, can you help us?" asked Caboose.

"Sure, I guess..." I said.

"Great!" said Tucker. "Red Team is over there and they have the red and blue flags so you go do your thing and we will watch in a great distance away from their base."

"Really?" said Allora.

"What?" said Tucker. "A chick like you can handle my awesome leadership."

Allora blushed a bit in embarrassment, then punched him off of his feet.

"I'm going to get a shovel and bury Church." she said. "Bye, and good luck."

She just turned around, then ran to the canyon.

All that was left was Muffin Man and Chick Freak. Great. This was going to be...... thrilling.

Anyway, I wanted to get this over with and get revenge for Church. He was one of my friends.

Anyway, we went to the red base and broke in. Then everything blacked out. 

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