Log Date 92 (continued)- Azura's Secret (Cal's POV)

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I ran outside but was stopped by Felix.

"Let go GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled.

"You don't want to get close." Felix warned.

I looked at Allora but I found a girl with black skin with long black hair with horns that could pierce the soul, and her eyes make you fear her from a single glance. What made me feel less afraid was that the way she walked and moved reminded me of Allora. She turned around and I pushed Felix from her glance and hid next to him.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"You mean you don't have one?!" Felix said.

"You don't either?!" I asked.

I punched him in the face.


Then the ground shook. Felix shut up and I looked outside. Azura stood in front of me. She was a few feet taller then me. I froze in fear. She turned her head to the side and smiled. I looked at her confused. Her expression dropped.

"Do I... scare you?" she asked.

"Um... yeah." I stuttered.

She looked at the ground then back at me.


She smiled widely and charged for me. I dodged her, tripping over, then ran. Felix ran with me.


"I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled.

"SO WHAT'S THE PLAN?" Felix said as we jumped over a rock.



Azura was sprinting for us the ground shaking as she got closer. Then we were shot off to the side and Azura stood smiling looking at each of us.

"Where do you think you two are going?" she said laughing.

She pinned us down and looked at me then Felix.

"Who should I kill first?" she asked outloud.

"You can take him." I said pointing at Felix.

"You ASSHOLE!" Felix yelled.

"Hmm...who does Allora like better?" she muttered.

I took out my gun and shot Azura in the eye. I grabbed Felix and dragged him with me and we started running again.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" she screamed. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Okay, I'm being serious. What the hell are we going to do?" Felix asked.

"I said I'm fucking working on it." I muttered.

"That's what you said last time."

"So, what's your point?"

"That you have no idea what the hell you're doing."

"You don't either!" I retorted.

"Okay, look. If we're going to stop Azura and possibly save Allora--"

"What do you mean by possibly?"

"Just listen for once okay? Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we need to fight Azura."

"That's your idea?" I asked. "Go into battle with one of Hell's most dangerous demon thinking you'll win?"

"Well... it seems like a suicide mission now that you put it like that..." Felix said.

"Exactly. And you know perfectly well that Azura's hard to deal with." I said.

"Do you think I don't know?" Felix spat.

"Allora wouldn't just tell anyone!" I shot back.

"But she trusted me obviously."

I stopped talking then looked up and Azura was still looking around.

"Felix, Allora would want us to stop fighting and work together. You saw her when she--"

"Got mad when we were fighting, I was there!"

"Well, are we going to save her or not?" I asked.

Felix looked at Azura then at me.

"Fine." he said. "What's your plan?"

"Follow me." I said.

We sneaked past Azura and headed to the Freelancer Base.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked.

"Allora's room." I said.


"You'll see."

I opened the door and looked for the key.

Felix sat on her bed and took off his helmet.

"So, what are you looking for again?"

"A key."


"Just hold on."

I found the key and flipped over her mirror and fit the key behind it and the mirror became a portal.

"The FUCK?"

"Emergency portal you idiot." I said.

I walked through and make it to Unova.

"Where the hell are we?"

"Unova." I said.

I grabbed a gun and examined it.

"So do we just... grab and go?"

"Basically." I said.

Felix grabbed one and we headed back. We ran outside but Azura wasn't there.

"Do you think she left?"

"No. Not yet at least."

"Um Cal?"


"Behind you..."

"I expected that." I said.

I turned around with Azura holding a gun to my chest. 

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