Log Date 58 Agent California (Allora's POV)

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As Doughnut said, he helped me escape. I wore my armour with the crack still there.

"You sure you can handle this?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I've snuck people in and out, like when Grif wanted to escape Sarge."

"Whatever you say." I said.

Wash, Michael, Doughnut, Kira, Simmons, and Grif set out as I followed them quietly. They finally reached the freelancer program main building after a few minutes and walked in. I walked for a few minutes and someone said,

"Hello Allora."

I turned around to see Wash standing in the doorway with Doughnut.

"We knew your were following us." he said.

"I didn't tell I swear." Doughnut said.

"Say what?" asked Wash.

"Nothing." I quickly said.

"Come, everyone else is in the main armoury." Wash said.

We walked across some broken bars and wires around though a control center, and some other places I couldn't identify. Then we heard Kira say,


"Come on!" Wash yelled.

We quickly ran across the wreck and saw Kira hugging a navy blue soldier.

"California?" Wash asked.

"Long time no see guys." California replied.

I stood in the doorway as Wash and Kira welcomed California back.

"Allora, this is California. He's one of the missing freelancers." Kira said.

I stood in the doorway just looking at California from a distance. He seemed, familiar in a way I couldn't identify. Then I realized that someone was missing.

"Wait, where's Michael?" I asked.

Kira looked at me and Wash then at California and said,

"He's right here."

She lifted California's helm.

My eyes widened.

It was Michael J. Caboose.

Day 58 (coninued)


"Let me get this straight." I said. "Michael and California are the same person?"

"Yes." Kira replied.

I looked at Cal.

"What?" California asked.

"You have a split personality." Kira explained. "Like Allora."

"Hey!" I said. "I told you not to give out my personal information!"

"Sorry," Kira said. "Anyway, before you came back, Caboose was you but you had no idea you were a freelancer."

"Did he do anything?" he asked.

"Make delicious muffins and," Kira said.

"You also got a girlfriend." said Wash nudging Cal in the side.

"I...WHAT? What about angel?"

I started to leave.

"Allora is your girlfriend." Kira said.

He looked at me.

I stopped and turned around.

"Hi." I said.

"A--Angel?" he said.

"What?" I asked.

We stared at eachother for a bit.

"SO!" said Grif cutting in. "Where's the food?"

I looked at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Go long."


"You want food?"


"Then go long."

"Fine, fine."

Grif ran to the other side of the room which was about three miles. It took him like ten minutes.

"Ready?" I called out.

"What?" he yelled.

I took a pack of oreos out of my bag. I jumped in the air and spun in a circle with my wings out setting the pack on fire. I hovered for a second. I then threw it at lightspeed at Grif. It hit Grif then something exploded. We ran towards the explosion. When it cleared we saw Grif perfectly fine holding perfect, round oreos.

"YES!" me and Grif both yelled.

We ran towards each other and high-fived. He smiled at me. I smiled back. Then California punched him.

"OW!" he yelled. "Why the fuck did you do that?!"

"Lay off Angel" Cal said.

I looked at Cal. I put my armour into my enchanted bag and walked away. I went out the door and the snow blew hard at me trying to knock me down. My tears froze and my body heat went down. I was wearing my short shorts and a tank top so it didn't make it easier to stay warm. I kept walking through the storm like it was nothing, the snow fell onto my hair making it colder by the minute. I was halfway there until I heard someone say,


I turned to see Cal, without his helm, running towards me. He stopped in front of me and the wind howling was the only thing I could hear. I brushed my hair out of my face still looking at Cal.

"Look," he said breaking the silence. "You have forgotten me of something but I remember you."

I looked at him confused. Then I looked back down at the snow.

"It... doesn't matter." I said.

I walked away but Cal grabbed my hand.

"Please," he begged. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

I looked at him but tugged my hand free.

"You are NOT Michael." I said.



"Angel I know you better than anyone." Cal asked.


I took off my broken helm to reveal that one side was completely broken. My left eye was black with a bright red pupil with black crack running along from the eye down my neck to the rest of my left side.

"I know Angel." Cal said fear growing in his eyes.


I flew off into the storm escaping Cal.

Regretting everything.

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