The Raid (continued) (Kira's POV)

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We took care of the reds as Silver went back to put out the fire. I was standing on a ledge watching the Reds do their thing.

    I walked towards my assigned position when I saw Church rushing to me from afar, yelling, "FROST!!! LOOK OUT!!!"

    I had no idea what was happening until it was too late.

    I whipped around to see a missile streaking towards me with a deafening shriek. My heart skipped a beat, and saw my life flash before my eyes when felt a force push me from my left side. I glanced in that direction to see Church, arms out-stretched from shoving me from danger. The projectile reached Church, hitting him square in the gut, before exploding and sending him flying into a wall. A sickening gurgle came from Church as he fell to the ground.

    I rose up from the ground, not caring about the helmet that rolled off my head, revealing my true gender. My long dark brown, purple streaked hair fell in front of my face. I kneeled  for a bit, dazed still from what just happened. Remembering  Church pushing me, I clicked back into reality and whipped my hair back to search for him. To my far left, his body was crumpled on the harsh rock.

     I staggered to my feet and limped to him. As I got closer and closer, I noticed the smoke curling off of his armor. I knelt down and heaved him onto his back and gasped in horror. In Church's armor was a giant steaming hole where the missile hit him, charred and blackened. Church's breathing was ragged and muffled from his helmet.

      In a desperate attempt to save my commander, I ripped off (not literally) his helmet. Underneath was a black haired man, his short hair spiked upward, with a small beard bristling in. His eyes opened barely, but it was enough to see his emerald eyes. He breathed heavily, and wearily said, "... Who... Who's... That...?"

     "Frost... It's Frost, Church." I suddenly realized that my voice modulator was off, but I immediately put it off my mind. "Don't worry, you're gonna get help... Just hang in there."

     Church lifted his eyes open a little more, then he cracked a weak smile. "The recruit's a chick... Heh... Who guessed...?"

     "YOUR A CHICK?!" Tucker screamed as he jogged to them, still seeming to be miles away. I growled at his incompetence.   Then I looked at Church, suddenly getting teary eyed. "Why did you save me? Why of all people? Why not someone else?"

     His arm then weakly gripped my shoulder and pulled me closer to his face. "I... Had a feeling you were a gal... In my gut... Acted similar to Allora..." He coughed a little, and a red trickle appeared at the corner of his mouth.

    I suddenly realised he was kissing me.

     He pulled away and he said "I have always thought you were a girl." He smiled faintly, then lost all color from his eyes.

    "Church?! Church!!!" I yelled.

    Tucker came up to me, grabbed my helmet, handed it to me and pulled me away from Church's body. He dragged me to camp where Silver was passed out.

My armor was covered by dust and traces of Church's blood. And the tank also destroyed. I started to cry. You couldn't blame me for crying. I had just lost my leader, a friend, and my crush; I was heartbroken.

     I heard Tucker say to Caboose, " Church is dead because of you!" He pushed Caboose to the ground. I choked back a sob. Tucker glanced at me and realized that I was sobbing. He then hugged me. I stayed there all night, huddled in his arms, crying.

Frost and Silverblood (DISCONTINUED BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now