Log Date 80- Under the Moonlight

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It's been three weeks since Cal and I had our argument. When he would try to talk to me either Wash or York held him back or Kira and Sister gave him a silent warning of yelled at him. I missed being with Cal but I'm not sure if I should still talk to him or not.

I was midnight and I snuck out of my room and went to the roof. When I got there I found Cal sitting on the railing looking at the ground. He looked up and saw me. I turned around to leave until,

"Allora, please don't leave."

I stopped and looked at Cal. The breeze flew through my hair. I stared at him for a few moments.

"Okay." I muttered.

I took a few steps and stopped a yard in front of him. I looked at Cal nervous but anxious for what he had to say. He reached for me and I flinched. He stopped then looked at the ground.

"Allora, I know what I did was wrong. I just want you to forgive me."

I nodded.

Cal looked hurt that I didn't say anything.

"I miss you." I admitted.

"I feel the same." Cal said.

"But that doesn't mean I fully trust you." I said before Cal moved.

"I know you don't want to be mad at me."

"I know." I muttered.

Cal then took out a helm. It was mine. I looked at it then looked at Cal.

"You...um...left it..."

I cautiously stepped towards Cal and took the helm. He then put his hands on top of mine. I looked at him. He smiled. I slightly smiled.

"Come on Allora. I know you can smile better than that."

I smiled again but a tiny bit.

"Come on."

I frowned at Cal.

Cal then gave a smile that I knew he was up to something. Cal grabbed my waist and held me in the air spinning around as my hair flew to the side. I laughed and Cal laughed along with me. Cal then stopped.

"There's the Angel I know and love."

I blushed but still kept smiling. Cal lowered me down and hugged me. He felt strong but gentle. He ran his fingers through my hair and I hugged him closer. Cal then pulled my face closer to his and kissed me. I felt the pain he put me through drain away and I felt safe again. When he pulled away for a second before he kissed me again I said,

"I love you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me. He lifted me up, hugging me.


We stopped to see York standing a few feet away from us. I let go and scooted a few inches away from Cal.

"Um... sorry to interrupt but we need you right now. There's a mission we need to attend."

"Um...okay." Cal said. "Bye Angel."

He kissed my cheek and walked to the door. York turned away from Cal and looked at me.

"Um... so are you guys like... a thing?"

"Uh... well he hasn't asked me out exactly... but I guess you can say that." I said blushing.

York nodded.

"I'll say this once, but you guys are adorable together."

York walked over to Cal and they left talking.

I looked at the moon.

"Prefect." I said.

I spread out my wings and a magic circle in glowing blue runes glowed. I chatted in Unovonian and the moonlight and it flowed through into my soul. It made the chains around Azura tighter and boosted my power but only by a little bit. After I took enough I landed on the cold roof and walked back to my room.

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