Log Date 5 I can't believe Church is dead (Kira's POV)

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I was majorly sad about Church, we lost our flag and our leader in the same day! I would not stop crying. I swore saw something in front of me pat my shoulder, but nothing was there. When I got up and walked into base.

I saw Tucker sitting on the couch and sat down next to him.

Out of the blue, I suddenly blurted out something.

"He kissed me before he died." I said.

"Hey, I didn't know you were a girl." he said to me.

Caboose walked in to see me and Tucker on the couch. He stared at the both of us, then he spun around on his heels and walked into the kitchen to make muffins. That kind of turned out awkwardly. So, I walked in the kitchen to talk to him.

"I don't blame you for his death, like Tucker does."

"Thanks, I am sorry for you."

I hugged him. He was so surprised by the sudden hug, he dropped his spoon. Allora then walked in and saw us hugging.

"I was just saying I don't blame him for Church's death." I quickly said.

She looked at us for a moment, then nodded.

"It's fine........it's not like anything weird happened. It's just that....this happened many times before to me." Allora said.

She was wet with tears but strangely kept her feelings concealed to herself.

She glanced at Caboose who nodded. Silver went back to what she was doing. Then we all walked up to talked to Tucker, with a serious expression. "We need to get our flag back!" I sternly said.

"I know that, Frost!" he growled.

I turned on my communicator and tuned it in on Blue Command. With a bit of a buzz, Vic picked up.

"Hello, this Blue command, What's up?"

"Blue command, This recruit Kira Frost. We need more men. We just lost our squad's commander."

"Wait, your name is Kira?!?" Tucker said to me

"Yeah Tucker," said Allora. "Try to catch up here."

"It will take 16 days to get more men there. "

"That's like two weeks!" I yelled

"Or I can hire some freelancers to help"

"How long will that take?" I said

"An hour."

I looked a Tucker, I told him the choices, finally he said

"The Freelancers." i said reluctantly

"Ok, Recruit Frost, Freelancers on their way."

We waited for the freelancers. Then when I was on top of the base I heard something,

"Frost, I come with a warning." said a ghostly voice

I turn around to see a ghostly figure of a soldier, his voice sounded familiar,

"Church?" I said weakly

The ghost nodded, I then ran down into base

"Tucker!!!!" I yelled

" What! Where are you?" he called back

I found him and brought him to Church

"How are you alive!?!?" Tucker screamed

"That's what I said" I told him

"Look, I am back from the dead with a warning for you guys" Church said

"Hello Church." Said Caboose

Caboose came out of nowhere, I jumped when he appeared.

"What is your warning?"
"You know the freelancers you guys called for their names are Tex and Oakley, siblings, they the most dangerous freelancers."

I looked over the edge and saw two people in black armor walking to us.   

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