Log Date 46: Confessions Are Made (Allora's POV)

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Early in the morning, Caboose, Tucker, and I went outside for training. We decided to fight with our fists last person standing style. Tucker and Caboose lost 1 to 39. They teamed up to take me down and that ended up 2 to 45.

"How do you do that?" asked Caboose.

"Do what?"

"You know....that?"

"Speak english please."

"Take us down."

"Stand." I ordered.

Tucker and Caboose both stood.

"I'll teach you guys something. Any volunteers?"

Tucker raised his hand.

"Great, come."

"Now watch, I have balance where I'm standing and I use my left to hook on his foot, raise it fast flip."


"Quiet Tucker. Make sure he stays on his stomach and raise his hand back and step on his back then lift his arm forward for maximum pain."

"AHHHHH!!" Tucker screamed.
"Any questions?"

"Did you HAVE to bring maximum pain?" asked Tucker.
"No, but where's the fun in that."

"Ha!" laughed Caboose.

"Now you try it on me Caboose."

"Me... to you?"

"Well ya, you're the only one standing."


Caboose and I practiced and it ended up 20 to 19 where Caboose won.

"Ow..you really can bring pain."

"Sorry Allora.."

"Don"t ever be sorry."

I lightly punched him on the shoulder.
"You did great."


"Hey, you ok?"

"Huh? Ya I'm fine."

"What about those victory muffins you make? Let's have some. You deserve it."

"I can't I need to talk to Sheila."

"Who is Sheila?"

"The tank."

"You named her Sheila?"

"Follow me."

We ran to to the top of the base find the tank sitting there motionless.

"Hey Sheila, it's me Caboose!"

"Hello Private Caboose. Great to see you again."

"What the..."
"Hello Private Silverblood. Nice to meet you."

I cringed when she said Silverblood. Caboose noticed. Great.

"Hey...Sheila...just call me Allora."

"Alright then Private Allora."

"When did you find out that the tank was a she?"

"A while ago."


"When I blew up Church."



"I'm going to the cave."

"Look, sorry I brought it up."

"It's fine."

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