Log Date 59- The Freelancer Program (Allora's POV)

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I woke up looking at Cal who was towering over me. He smiled.

"Morning." he whispered.

"How long were you awake?" I asked

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not."

He laughed quietly.

"Any nightmares?"

"Thankfully not this time." I replied.

"Good." said Cal.

Cal then kissed my forehead and helped me up.

"I made pancakes."

"I'll take some." I said.

We ate some pancakes then went up to blue base. Cal looked at O'Malley's unused base like it was a bomb about to explode at any minute and wanted to keep away from it. I grabbed his hand to assure that it was okay. When we got there Wash was making bacon and eggs and everyone was happily chatting. Tucker on the other hand was having the worst hangover he's been in. After that we headed to the building where we met Cal. It's been a month or two now since then.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"I have been exploring the Freelancer Program's data and I'm thinking about finishing it."

"You're kidding right?" I asked. "There's obviously a good reason why you shut it down."

"We're taking great caution this time." Walsh said.

"What about last time?" I asked.

"Let's just go."

We made our way through the halls. There was literally nothing there. Just old supplies and garbage littered everywhere. I wonder what happened...

"We're here." Wash said.

I looked around but saw a wall. A perfectly unharmed metal wall.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"It's a metal wall." Tucker said.

"Nope." Kira said pushing open the wall door thing.

We all walked in a giant room with tables with maps and weapons scattered on them with people with tiny glowing people on their shoulder.

"Welcome," Wash said. "These are the remaining freelancers that are left."

"This is Carolina, York, North, South, Florida, Tex, Church, and now California." Kira said.

"Cal?" asked York. "I thought he died."

"So did we until we found that Caboose was actually California."

I cringed at the name. I missed Caboose. I know he's here but it doesn't feel like he is. Cal joined the others as they welcomed him back.

"Okay." said Kira. "I would like to introduce the others."

"So this is Tucker, Sister, Grif, Sarge, Lopez, Simmons, and Angel-- I mean, Silverblood"

"Wait, Angel? The Merciful Angel? What happened to her?"

"We're trying to figure that out but for now let's get moving."

We all said our hello's then we walked outside.

"We'll be taking you to our new base." said Carolina. "If you have motion sickness, well, that's your problem."

Seconds later an aircraft landed and we all climbed in. I almost missed the aircraft when it took off but Cal grabbed my hand and I climbed in.

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