Log Date 58 (continued) Learn to Love, Live to Love (Allora's POV)

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We exited the portal and fell from the ceiling onto the couch.

"You're back!" Kira said. "About time!"

"Sorry for the wait." Cal said helping me up.

"What were you doing, looking at the trajectory of the sun?" Wash asked.

"Ha, ha no." I said. "The sun would have left us with no eyes."

"You should probably rest." Kira said.

"I'll be fine. I'm always fine."

"What about that time when you started forming cracks?" Kira said.

"That was literally three months ago." I said.

"I highly suggest you do." Wash said.

"Guys! I'm fine!" I said raising my voice.

"Clam down." Cal said.

I looked at Cal but nodded.

"We're going to the Red Base anyways." Kira said.

"Why?" Cal asked.

"To party." Wash said. "Remember, we unpossessed Doc."

"Oh, yeah." Cal said. "Wait who's Doc?"

"You'll see everyone else once we get there." I said.

We headed to the base without armour because we won the battle, no armour necessary. We just need to relax and have fun.

When we go there, some of the other freelancers were there with Sister and Tucker.

"Hey guys!" Tucker said.

"About time you guys showed up." Doughnut said.

I smiled.

"We had some unfinished business to do." I said.

"Well, you're here and that's all I'm worried about." Doughnut said.

Cal and Wash joined the guys having shots and Kira was hanging out with Sister and the others. I was alone I glanced at Cal a couple of times and I realized a feeling growing inside. It was a bit familiar in a way I didn't understand. Was I falling for him?. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around but was pulled outside of the base. I looked around but was alone. I remained silent. Then a knife darted for my chest but I caught it and tossed it aside.

"Epsilon." I said.

"Well, well, look at what we have here." Epsilon said appearing before me.

"I told you not to come." I said.

"Why not? Great party by the way."

"Save your games. What do you want?"

"What I've always wanted."

"No." I said for the millionth time.

"You will eventually give it to me you do realise that."

"I know."


I looked to see Cal outside the roof of the base.

"This is the part where I leave unfortunately. Good-bye Allorablood."

I remained silent then replied,

"Good-bye father."

Epsilon vanished and I flew up to see Cal.


"Where were you Angel?"

"Just, looking at the moons."

Frost and Silverblood (DISCONTINUED BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now