A New Ship!!! Log Date 47 (Allora's POV)

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I had no idea where Kira went, but I hope she's okay. Usually she doesn't freak out and run off like that. Locus and Felix left after a few minutes. I couldn't find her at the old base and the underground base which make me worry a bit more.

"Found her yet?" Michael asked.

I jumped and spun around.

"Oh it's just you." I said.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just..."


"Yeah, the freelancers scared me a little bit."

I then found Michael's arms around me.

"You'll be okay." he assured me.

I blushed a bit and squeezed him. He then put a hand on each shoulders and smiled.

"Now go find her." he said. "If the freelancers come back, I'll protect you."

"Thank you." I said.

He then handed me a muffin and I continued my search. I then took a break and decided to stretch my wings out a bit. I took off piercing through the cloud like things enjoying my time. I realized I was enjoying it too much. I felt heat and soon enough, I was a transparent phoenix piercing through the air. I felt free. I was lost into being a phoenix I forgot how much of my energy I was using. I then started to crack, literally. I remembered what I was doing and stopped. Instead of flying back down, my wings were worn and I crashed into the ground like a meteor meeting the Earth for the first time. I weakly got up to my feet looking at the cracks forming around my right arm and across my chest.

"Shoot." I muttered to myself.

I quickly ran into the underground base. I ran past everyone crack forming fast within each step I took.


Church and Grif looked over but I sped past not caring if they saw or not. I quickly cloaked my skin then sat down to take a breath. That was beyond close. If I completely shattered that would have been the end. I may sound like I'm just exaggerating but it's a bit more than what you may think. I'll explain later but now, Kira is the only one that matters. I left my room casually.

"Are you okay?" Grif asked.

"Yep." I quickly said.

I backed up into the doorway watching Grif and Church until they disappeared. I reached the entrance to the outside then ran into someone. I looked up to see the green and orange mercs from before. Instead of moving I just stared at them. What? I didn't know what to do. I looked up at them for a while. I was short. Caboose is the tallest in the Blue Team and I'm like a foot and a half shorter than him!

"So. Are we going to stare at each other or what?" I asked in a flat voice.

They were silent. I easily pushed my way through them but the green one grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away but his grip was a bit stronger.

"What?!" I asked my eyes darkening.

"Where's Scorpion?" the orange one asked.

"Why should I help you?" I shot back.

The grip on my wrist tightened.

"Let go." I said.

"Tell us where she is or else."

"Or else what? You're both are going to kill me? Good luck with that."

"Just tell us what we want to know--"

"I said let go!" I yelled.

My skin was turning dark and both my eyes were red and black.

"I don't know what the hell you are but tell us where--"

Before he finished I threw him against the canyon wall. Hard. I then flew up and air-attacked the other throwing him into the other merc. I landed and stared at them. Thankfully they were unharmed which I knew that would happen. I then took out a sword and was about to stab the green one but I fought back. I dropped it and I screamed in agony. Cracks covered my body as I turned back into Allora. They both stared at me.

"What?" I snapped.

I got up weakly and the orange merk helped me. I shoved him away but almost fell if the green one wasn't there.

"Calm down. We're not going to hurt you." he said.

I remained silent until I could stand on my own.

"Thank you.." I said.

They nodded and I walked away to find Kira. I looked back but they were gone.

I had to find Kira. 

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