Log Date 47 (continued again) (New guy) (Kira's POV)

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I was bored so I opened up a old phone that the freelancers gave me to contact them in case I needed to, it had gone off in the middle of the night last night.

A text from someone I had not talked to in a long time.

A freelancer that was really close with me,

I need ur help. he said

Y? I asked

Maine's gone Meta. he replied



Call me!


My phone went off in my hand,

"Hey," he said

"Hey, what's new?" I asked

"Nothing, but Maine become a Meta, that was weird, all of a sudden like that" he said " And I was with him the day before it happened,"

"Weird" I said "And, Thanks I am doing fine how 'bout you?"

"Sorry, Oregon,"

"It's alright wash,"

"Well I have to go, Update me on new missions in my area,"


There was a knock at my door

"Hey, Church, How much did you hear?" I called out

"Not much" He said through the door

"Fine I was going to come out anyway," I said as I slide off my bed,

I walked out, to see two people standing outside the door with Allora holding it open,

"YOU!!!" I shrieked

They stared at me,

Felix took a step forward but I was faster, I jumped and grabbed a knife and held it at his neck,

"YOu Bitch!!" he choked out.

"Calm down you two" Locus yelled.

"What are you two doing here!!!" I roared

I glared at them both,

Felix tried to grab my arm to twist my arm around, Normal Merc move, I grabbed his arm and twisted it back,

"Shit," he said

"Serves you right, Jackass," I snapped.

He grabbed my waist and flipped me on my back and got on top of me,

I punched him in the jaw, and jumped and landed on his chest,

"You think I don't know that trick I taught that to you!" I roared at him,

He stared at he in fear, I realized he was staring behind me,

"No you don't!" Church yelled,

But someone grabbed me his hands were cover by black armor his smell was familiar,

"Wash!!" I yelled as I flipped him off my back

"OW!" He yelled

I walked up to him and helped him up,

"Sorry you scared me," I said

"Why did you have to use that move?" he asked

"Then don't grab me like that."


Everyone was staring at me, and the merc's and Wash, and the door waiting probably for my dead mother to walk in,

Then everything went black, I remember falling and wash catching me.

I was hovering above everything, that is when I saw it a figure, her wings glowing, A crown of flowers upon her had, she turned around,

"Kira Frost" she said

"Yes, that's me" I said

"My daughter's friend?" She asked

"Who's your daughter?" I asked

"Allora Ro''Meve." she answered

"I know a Allora Silverblood."

"She took that name, she always like being called Silver, and her father called her Allorablood" She smiled

"Kira?" a new voice said

I world around to see another winged figure,

She was beautiful but not as beautiful as Allora's mom,

"MOm" I choked out,

My chest hurt, my mom died of cancer,

And now I am seeing her as an angel,

I ran up and hugged her,

"I missed you so much!" I cried into her shoulder,

"I missed you too, my sweet little Kira," she mumbled sweetly in my ear.

"You must go now, but we will be here for you, my sweet daughter," My mom said to me

"Please don't send me away, he already has." I said

"Kira!!" It was Church, wash was sitting next to me I had bandages around my waist head, and hand.

"I am fine" I yelled as they held me down to the bed,

"No you are not!!" Church yelled

I relaxed and spring up and ran out the door,

"Fuck" I heard Church say

I ran into the one person I hoped never to run into again, Felix,

Fucking Felix!! I screamed at myself

I jumped up and ran around him,

As normal he started to chase me like Wash and Church.

I ran into Caboose and Tucker this time, as I did with Felix, they joined the chase.

Until everyone was chasing me except the reds.

So I went to red base.

"HUH!" Grif yelped as I ran past him,

Then Simmons, Sarge, Doughnut, Lopez.

Until I ran out the other side, everyone was there, with the reds behind me,

They should know not to corner me. I thought and jumped up,

And flipped out onto the roof of the base,

And I ran, and ran, until it was sunset, I stopped on top of a cliff and sat down,

I saw the wonderful sight, and thought of my siblings,

Rose, Azalea, and Ajax.

I started to cry, I pulled my knees up to my chest,

My tears flowing down my cheeks,

Then my mom her name Isla,

Then my jackass dad Seth,

I hate my dad,

I started to cry more, I have not seen my family for, how long, years.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see wash,

"The mercs left." He informed

"Good" I responded

I threw my arms around his neck, and kissed him,

Now I have someone that loves for who I am, Not my Body or my state of mind, just me.

Frost and Silverblood (DISCONTINUED BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now