Log Date 6 Why Church (Allora's POV)

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Kira breathed heavily. I just sat there. I literally had no idea what I should do. Church is the worst subject anyone could bring on. I was on my way until,


I looked in shock to see Tucker screaming like a girl.

"What is it this time?" I asked.


Kira collapsed.


"You guys seriously need to take a chill pill." said Caboose.

"Not funny, but you're right." I mumbled.

"I know." said Caboose with a smile.

I started to feel wobbly again. Great. I stumbled a bit then fell to my knees. Tucker and Caboose didn't notice. I got to my feet and tried to walk, but it ended up falling again. I was breathing heavily now. This time, someone noticed me. Fantastic.

"Are you ok Allora?" asked Caboose.

"Yeah, you seem, drowsy." said Tucker.

I cringed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really. I said.

I didn't want to tell them. But I can hide it. They both stared at me in concern. I noticed I was crying. It actually hurt. A lot. I had no choice. I ran. Tucker and Caboose ran after me. They were faster than I expected. I was faster. Tucker gave up but I should know Caboose wouldn't give up on me like that. I managed to send him on the other direction while I walked in shame the other way. I'll tell you what is wrong with me. I'm not human. That's it. I started walking keeping out for Eps-- I mean O'Malley. That's when I heard a voice,


I was so scared that I grabbed my gun and shot it in every direction and screamed. I looked around and saw that no one was there.



I still saw no one. I turned and saw a ghost really close to my face.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, then I tripped and landed my back on a rock. And no, I had no armor on.

"Owww... I said.

"Are you ok?

"Could have picked a better time, huh?" I said.

I looked up and saw Church, as a ghost, staring at me. I got up and looked at him with a frown.

"You could have not scared me like that." I said.

"Sorry, but I want to talk to you." he said.

"Without warning you were going to die?!" I yelled.

He hesitated. I have never yelled at Church.

"I want to know what's going on." he said.

"Well, the freelancers got captured and---"

"That's not what I'm talking about." he said cooly.

He knew.

"It's nothing, Church." I said.

"Really," he said. "Falling without warning and running away from your team? No, there's definitely something wrong Allora. "

I stayed silent.

How am I going to break it to him? I was definitely not ready for this.

"I can't.."

"Can't what?"


"Just tell me."

He stared me down for a few minutes.

"Just go." I said flatly.

He stared at me.


"Just leave me alone."


"Just stop! It's not going to get you anywhere."

"Just tell me. You can trust--"

"No one! Church! Don't you get it? I don't trust anyone!"

I started to walk away.

Church appeared in front of me.

"Allora, I didn't mean--"

I walked through him.

I turned to see his expression. A shocked face was my answer. I turned around.

"Don't even try." I said. "It will only make things worse.."

I started to cry again. I walked. The last thing I heard from Church was a muffled cry.

When I got to camp, everyone was in bed sleeping. I started to walk to my tent until someone tapped my shoulder. I spun around and punched them.



"What happened...Frost was worried about you."





"I said NOTHING!"

Caboose flinched.

"I'm sorry...I just..."
"It's fine Allora.."

"No...it's not."

I turned to leave but Caboose grabbed my arm.

"Allora..you can trust me. Whatever it is just tell me."

"Thanks for the offer but... you wouldn't understand."

Caboose let go in understatement and I left.

I flopped on my bed and cried. The only thing I could think of is,

What have I DONE?!

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