Log Date 57 (continued) Woven in my Soul

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I was bored. I was doing something but bored of it. Wash told us to "shoot at each other for 'training' purposes." I'm pretty sure he's trying to get rid of the annoying people of the two teams. Actually, scratch that, I KNOW he is. Not because I'm psychic or whatever, it's because I'm... different from others. I'm a demonic angel. Half angel, half devil, blah, blah, blah. Not just that, it's also because it's obvious. Anyway, back to the training field.

"Allora, careful where you point that shotgun!" Wash yelled.

I kept on shooting everyone with my twin shotguns while everyone scattered around, running for cover. Now I was out in the open. I turned in a slow circle waiting for their next move. Then I was shot in the forehead. By Tucker.

"STOP!" Wash yelled out.

Everyone came out from their hiding place and gathered around. I looked to see that Tucker shot me.

"In a battle, you'd be dead by now." Wash said.

"But I can't die." I said.

"This for everyone else."

"So I'm not important now?" Azura said.

"Well, uh..."

"That's what I thought." Azura said.

"Look, it's just that--"

"What?" I said turning back to Allora.

Everyone grew silent.

"What did I do now?" I asked.

"We were think that... maybe you might want to..." Church said.

"What?" I said.

"You shouldn't be in the freelancer program." Tucker said.

"What are you saying?"

"You aren't exactly a human..."

"SO?!" I yelled.

"We all voted that maybe you shouldn't be in it." said Kira.


Michael put his hand on my shoulder.

"O'Malley." he said.

"I can handle my own father!" I said.

"Allora..." started Michael.

"I can't believe you guys..." I said and walked off.

I threw my helm on the ground where the glass shattered and I tore my armour off. I then sat down in the middle of the mess. The glass shards cut through my skin but I didn't care. How could my friends tell me I can't handle my own father that I battled over twenty million years ago and nearly survived? Hours had passed and I decided to go back up to the surface. I found everyone sitting in a circle just talking and doing their thing.

"Hey Allora!" Doughnut said.

"Hey..." I waved back.

"Where were you?" asked Wash.

"Just in the cave."


"Why is MY life now YOUR business?!" I yelled.

"Sorry, sorry..." he said.

I was about to turn back to the cave until Michael hugged me.

"I missed you." he said.

"I was gone for six hours."

"Still." he said lifting me up on his shoulders. "I made a s'more muffin for you."

"Thanks..." I said blushing a bit.

Michael drooped me down on a smooth rock and we ate the muffins. Everyone was having more fun than I did. Doughnut and Michael were being them, Simmons was annoying Sarge to death, Wash and Kira were flirting with eachother, Tucker and Sister were also flirting in their own...unique way, and me and Grif were just...you know...talking and yeah...we're working things out. Anyway, after that was done we went back into the cave, ignored the pile of armour with Wash was complaining and yelling at me about my helm. I finally turned around and yelled,



"Just get out of my room please."

I shoved him out of my room and locked my door. I looked down at the floor to notice a piece of glass still attached to my leg. I took out the remaining pieces of glass in my leg and tossed them into my drawer. I was upset don't get me wrong, I want to finally stop O'Malley from hurting anyone, but I'm afraid I'll hurt everyone else. Then the door opened to my room.

"Hey!" Doughnut said.

I smiled. A little bit.

"Hey Franklin." I replied.

He walked over and sat on my bed next to me.

"You ok?"


"Look, Caboose just thought maybe you shouldn't try to risk yourself again and again for us. It's nothing personal, really, he just wants to keep you safe."

"Wait, hold up! Did you say Michael J. Caboose came up with this?" I asked surprised.

"Well, he kind of messed up the words but Wash put them together to where he made sense and Caboose said he was correct so... yeah, he came up with it."

"I'm..." I began.

"Shocked?" Doughnut asked.

"Very." I said

"Let me guess, you don't care and you're still going after your father huh?" Doughnut said.

"How did you know he was my father?" I asked.

"Michael and I were giving out info to each other or whatever."

"Of course you were." I said.

"Just, if you want to come along you can, just stay hidden, I'll make sure no one notices you."

Then Doughnut gave me a hug.

"Thanks Doughnut." I said giving a hug back.

He got up and left closing the door behind him. I felt a bit warmer on the inside. I was glad Doughnut was my friend, even if it meant lying to everyone else to make sure I reach my needs or wants. After thinking about that, I felt a little selfish.

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