Log Date 47 (continued): What is Going on Here (Allora's POV)

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Church stared at me and Caboose then back at Kira a couple of times before saying anything.

"So, you two are a thing now?" Church asked me and Michael.

"Yes." we both said.

"When did you guys become a couple?" Kira asked.

"Five hours ago?" Michael said shrugging.

"Long story." I said.

"Tell me." said Church.

I tensed but told the story including that O'Malley was my father. Kira gasped and Church had a worried look on his face. I looked down at my hands.

"Azura is basicly your rage?" Kira asked.

She got this weird look in her eyes.

I nodded.

Michael gave me a slight hug and Kira joined in.

"It's nothing really." I said.

"No, it's definitely something." said Church staring at my left eye.

"What?" asked Michael.

Church then walked over and pulled my hair out of my face. Everyone stared.

I knew why.

My eye was pure red with a small black pupil with black cracks coming from the eye.

"What happened to you?" asked Kira, her voice sounded weird as if she was hiding something.

"This is what one of Azura's eye happens when I let her take control." I said.

"It's like it stares into your soul." Church said.

"Because she eats them." I said.

"Wha?" asked Caboose.

"She slowly gathers her powers by eating souls, the more pure, the more she can taint into tainted souls."

"Oh..." Kira said. "That's not weird at all."

I frowned a bit.

"Sorry!" Kira quickly said.

"No, it's fine really." I said.

Then Church yawned.

"I'm going back to my room, and thanks again Allora." Church said.

"No problem, I always have room." I said.

Kira left. Then, Church left to his room and the room grew quiet for a few minutes. I looked behind me and saw Michael sleeping on the couch. I smiled to myself. I sat down on the couch and kissed Michael's cheek, curled up beside him resting my head on his shoulder. Then everything went dark.

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