Log Date 56 (contiuned) That was embarrassing (Washington's POV)

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I watched as Carolina planned out a class schedule like thing for the training plans for the reds and blues,

She put North in charge of Gun safety and teaching how to use a gun,

Oregon in Charge of hand to hand combat,

York in Charge of picking a lock and breaking and entering,

I was in charge of, well keeping everyone in line,

Hawaii was in charge different languages,

Kansas was in charge of handheld weapons like bombs,

California was in charge of food,

I looked over at Oregon, the way she moved just allured me,


The way she spoke, just melted my heart, her kind eyes and soul,

Her kindness should not be in a world like this with blood death, and hate everywhere, she would light up a room just by walking into the room,

She must have felt me staring because she turned around to look at me, I looked away at the full moon overhead,


I walked over

"Yea, what do you need help with?"

"I know you like her." She said.,

"W-what do you m-mean?" I stuttered

"Kira, I see the way you act around her! It's okay if you do. Just talk to her. "

I right then and there was thankful that I had my helmet on, because I was blushing like crazy,

"S-so what if I l-like her?"

"Not just like,"" Crest said walking over,

I had totally forgot she was there,

"W-what are you guys t-talking about?"

"You are overpowering with love, thinking that she is so innocent" Crest said

"What do you mean by that?"

"You don't know what a Mercenary does for money!?" Crest laughed "I will let Kira explain, see ya!"

She walked away with her friends and family into the woods and disappeared,

"What was she talking about?"

I shrugged,

I walked back over to the freelancers,

I stood next to Cal, who is one of Best friends, me, Kira and Cal are like siblings, you rarely see us apart,

Cal was a lot taller then me or Kira, but he was a awesome guy, his muffins were the best thing ever,

Cal looked at me,

Oregon walked over,

"Hey, want to go make muffins, like old times?" she asked

"For old times sake." I said

Cal nodded and we ran up to the O'Malley base we took off our armor and started to make muffins,

Kira got the bright idea of flinging muffin batter into my hair,

I then covered her in powdered sugar,

We then got Cal covered in flour,

"What in blue blazes!"

We all turned and found the reds in the doorway,

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