Log Date 24 O'Malley (Church's POV)

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I was wondering around the portal until I went through to get to camp. I know. Laziest ghost ever. I decided to go to the far side of the dimension. That's when I heard Allora scream and O'Malley laugh. I looked to see O'Malley torturing Allora. He left later laughing to himself. Allora was left crying and sputtering trying to breath like she was alive.


She looked up. She looked at where O'Malley came from and then took a lock pick and unlocked her chains. She tried to walk but she couldn't. I ran towards her and kissed her. I know what you are asking me, why am I kissing her so much? Honestly, I don't know.

"Church, you shouldn't be here."

"I don't care."

"He's going to kill you all."

"I'll stop him."




I looked at Allora. She was dead serious.

"Take the other half."

She gave me the other half of the orb.


"O'Malley." she said. "Now that you have the full orb now. Give it to me, and when I mean me I mean my body and set it towards my heart then I need to destroy it."


"I burst out of existence and you will have no idea who I am."


Allora looked confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I lost you once and I will not risk losing you forever."

She blushed so much that her whole misty body turned red.

"I'm going to save you,"



I wanted her to stay with all my heart but she will shoot me down every time.


I took the crystal and took off. I came out the other end but Allora popped out as well. She tore the crystal away and took it to the cave. I got the other half and we put it together. A flash of light and I could see that a whole twenty miles was covered in rich plants. It gave life. Allora pushed it into hero rb and she waited. Later, the hole in her soul healed and her spirit came back. She opened her eyes and stood. She wobbled a bit. I just stood and watched. She had the crystal in her hands.

"Go ahead."

She looked at me. But something was definitely... different. She turned and walked away and that's when I saw it. Wings. White wings. On her back and they were real.



"Look, I wasn't supposed to exist. Now I do."


"A long time ago, I was a normal immortal angel. Inside though, I wasn't. I had powers and a demon cursed to me. So, now I'm a fallen angel. I couldn't control it. I saw I had to die and I wasn't supposed to exist. So I found a perfect time to die. Unfortunately, you are my friend and you can't let me die easily."


"I'm still gonna die whether you like it or not."

"Thanks for the positivity."

Allora kissed me.

"You'll live."

She picked up Tucker and moved him on the other couch. She flopped on her bed and stayed. I should sleep too. You know, if I could. 

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