Log Date 92- The Return... of the Freelancers and the Mercenaries

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We did some training with Carolina (which by the way was the worst idea anyone could of had). Grif completely just... I don't even have the words to express it. Then to Grif's pleasure, lunch was served later. We all sat down and enjoyed whatever was available. I actually made brownies and sandwiches.

"This is SO GOOD!" Grif said.

"At least this is better than whatever you made." Simmons said.

"Hey!" Grif said. "It's called art."

Simmons rolled his eyes and continued eating.

I smiled and sat down. Then someone covered my eyes.

"Cal?" I asked.

"I'm back."

I lowered his hands and looked up at him. I smiled. I looked at Kira who was stuffing her face with brownies.

"Your welcome." I said.

We all finished lunch and I went to my room.

"How did the mission with Locus and Felix go?"

I turned around to see Kira standing in front of the doorway.

"How did--"

"I was one of the bartenders." she said.

I blushed remembering what I had to do to keep the bartender from raising suspicion.

"So, are you going to become a merc or not?"

"I'm still thinking about it." I admitted. "I'm not sure thou."

"Don't Felix is a--"

"What am I exactly?"

I turned around to see Felix and Locus.

"Why is everyone in my room?!" I muttered.

"What are you two doing here?" Kira asked.

"What? We can't visit Angel from time to time?" Felix asked.

Kira rolled her eyes.

"Still, you shouldn't be here." Kira said.

I looked at Kira then at Felix and Locus.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Kira asked Locus.

He nodded and they stepped outside my room to talk. I looked at Felix. We stared at eachother for a few moments.

"Wanna?" he asked.

I gave him a confused look.

"Wanna?" he repeated.

"Wanna what?" I asked.

He laughed and moved in front of me.

"Wanna?" he asked.

I stared at him. He then gave me a perverted like smile.

"I don't understand what you--"

Then Felix kissed me. I gently pushed away.


"What?" he asked.

"I have a boyfriend." I said.

"Who gives a damn?" he asked.

"Cal does." I replied.

He kissed me again but more forcefully this time.

"Cal will murder you if you do that again!" I said.

"So? Who gives a damn?" he said.

I blushed slightly.

"I'm not kidding. Cal with freaking murder you."

"So?" he asked. "You deserve better."

Felix then pulled me closer to him.

"Felix...I'm serious."

Felix then let go and went to the door. I expected him to leave but he just locked the door. He walked back over to me and lifted my chin up to his face.

"We're alone, no need to worry."

He gave a smile and kissed me again. I wanted to push away but my body wouldn't respond. Felix held me down, I fought but I couldn't move. He then slid his hand down my chest, my hips, then he grabbed my butt. I opened my mouth a bit surprised and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I still couldn't move which made me more uncomfortable. He then, still kissing me, pushed me against a wall and made out with me. I then realised, was I letting him do this? I was unsure if I was. He started kissing my neck. He stopped after a few seconds and looked at me.

"Enjoying it are we?" he asked.

I didn't respond.

"This is the most fun I've had." he teased.

I stared at him.

Felix started unbuttoning my shirt. I quickly placed my hands on his. He looked at me. Then he smiled, slipping my shirt off of me. I now had a very showy bra on. Felix looked at it then smiled. His expression quickly changed to worry when he saw a giant bruise on my side from the mission I went on with them.

I lightly touched it.

"Does it hurt?" he whispered.

I slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry I put you in danger." Felix whispered. "This wasn't part of the mission. No one else knew you were part of it except me, Scorpion, and Locus."

"It's okay..." I managed to say ."It's not your fault. I got carried away... "

"Angel, I had the idea of bringing you--"

I regrettably kissed Felix. I guess I felt bad that he took the blame on himself. I put my arms around his neck like I do with Cal and he pulled me closer to him. We kissed for a few moments. He lifted me up and hugged me. We kissed again this time without hesitation. Then then someone tried to open the door but then the pounding became frantic.

"FELIX!" Kira yelled. "OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!!!"

Felix lowered me down and unlocked the door as I put my shirt on. Kira karate kicked the door open and then glared at Felix.


"Kira calm down we just talked about the mission that I went of with him and Locus."

Kira looked at me then at Felix.

"Okay. At least he didn't do anything." Kira grumbled. "I'm going to see Wash and if you, and I'm talking mostly about you Felix are still here when I come back,, there will be consequences."

She stormed off.

"I'll be waiting." said Locus.

He also left which left me and Felix. Felix looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

He gave me a small innocent smile.

"Say cute okay?" he asked.

I blushed. He quickly took my hand and pulled me into a kiss. He again slipped his tongue in my mouth and I pushed him away.

"Felix!" I said.

I glared at him.

"You're lucky I didn't tell Kira!"

"And thanks for that babe." he said as he leaned in.

I gave him Azura eyes that emitted a red glow.

"Okay, I'm leaving." he said.

He waved and left. 

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