*Chapter 1 - Happier Than An Obese Kid Eating Cake

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Chapter 1 - Happier Than An Obese Kid Eating Cake

"Come on, Lissa!" Ruby shouted from outside, honking her car horn.

It's been the first couple weeks of senior year and my sister, Ruby, never seizes to amaze me when it comes to school. She's probably the most hyped person who ever lived too go to school. I'm pretty sure it's just because she wants to hang out with her friends though. She's one of the most popular kids in our school because of her looks and perfect personalty. I mean, we're identical twins, but she still looks better than me. I can't help but be a little jealous.

Ruby's tried to invite me to hang out with her friends, but that means attention, and I don't like attention. Attention + Melissa Collins = Disaster.

Don't ask. It's a long story.

"Lissa! Get in the car!"

I muttered to myself. "I could always just walk to school. It's not that far. It's just 10 minutes, and taking a car is only 5."


I rolled my eyes, and put on my sweater. I flicked my brown wavy hair behind me as I picked up my stuff and speed walked out of the doorway, locking it behind me. I jumped into her jeep without even opening the door.

"Finally, you tortoise. Don't you want too go to school?" Her blue eyes sparked with excitement. She started the car, and we slowly moved forward.

"No. I think there's just something wrong with you. We're going to school and your acting happier than an obese kid eating cake."

"Try me bitch." She teased, sticking tongue out and winking at me.

Cue the silence.

I looked at her in confusion. "Did you just quote a meme?"

"Ha! GOT EEM!"

"Please stop, Ruby."

"No n-"

"RUBY! TOO FAR. We are innocent, white, children. Don't say that word."

"Sorry..." She said in shame as we drove on, moving faster than before.

Cue more silence.

She parked her car in the parking lot when we got to school. She quickly jumped out and ran over to her friends as she locked it. I walked at a normal speed and put on the hood of my jacket.

Once I got into the hallway, heading towards my locker, something shoved me making me fall on my ass in pain.

"Shit." I muttered as I looked up and saw the three most feared boys in the school, smirking at me. Bryan, Troy, and the worst out of the three of them, Mason. I stood back up.

I felt insecure about my appearance and tugged at end of my hoodie, making sure it covered my arms.

Mason laughed. "Why do you always wear that stupid hoodie? What would happen if I took it?"

I stared in horror as he snapped his finger. Bryan and Troy came from behind him and stripped the jacket from me. I covered my arms with the long sleeves I was wearing, thanking the lords that it was chilly today.

Troy held my hoodie as Mason stepped forward and grabbed my wrist. My arm ached in pain from the contact.

"Aw. Is the little girly hurt? You're so weak." He spat.

The sleeve of my shirt trailed down my arm as he held my wrist. I looked down in shame from his comment and looked back at him. His eyes weren't fixated on me, but my arm. It showed all the slits and scars I had printed onto my body. Every scar was one negative comment that I had been called. His face immediately changed from amusement to sympathy.

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