Nothing Feels Like You

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~I could have all the money all the fancy treasures in the world 25 Vegas just to hold the diamonds in my purse

I know its a fantasy nothing like I wanna be baby you and me that's real something like a masterpiece would be up on galleries you and I, that's real~

Camila's P.O.V.

I sat at the coffee shop sipping on my latte; I was nervous. I've never broken up with anyone before and it's lame, but I didn't really KNOW any better and maybe that's why I didn't break up with him sooner. I didn't KNOW what it was like to actually FEEL something for someone until I laid my eyes on the most captivating pair of emerald eyes I'd ever seen, actually, the most captivating pair of eyes period. Lets face it, Austin's my first REAL relationship-I guess you can call it that-but I know what I'm feeling and I KNOW who I WANT to be with-LAUREN. I just hate the thought of hurting anyone, but it has to be done, it is what it is.


"Hey baby," his voice broke my thoughts as he kissed my cheek, taking the seat across from me.

'BABY' he REALLY likes that word.

"Heeeyyyyyy." I said popping my chin on my hands.

'HEEEYYYYYY' good one...good one.

"I missed you this weekend," he smiled, "what's going on?" he leaned closer, elbows on the table. goes, just do it...GET IT OVER WITH!

"Look Austin," he perked his eyebrows at me, "this isn't working out for me anymore."


A few seconds passed, okay...say something, it's your turn to say something.

I watched him shake his head and lean back, "look Mila, I know you've been all stressed," he reached for my hand-WHAAAAA??? "You're not thinking straight," he stood up.


I stood up in front of him to meet his gaze, "I'm thinking just fine...I don't think we shoulddd---"

He cut me off, "look MILA," his tone aggressive, never really heard this from him before, "the Spring Dance is in a few weeks, you and I are a shoo-in to win King and Queen," he shook his head as he furrowed his eyebrows, "stop being difficult, get some rest, I'll see you at school tomorrow." He walked passed me and out the door.

I can't believe the words that came out of his mouth; I'm still in shock-WHAT AN ASSHOLE! There was always a feeling about him I didn't like, WOW, I can't believe that just happened.

~If I had everything, it wouldn't mean a thing cus nothing feels like, nothing feels like you No matter what they can't take my love away cus nothing feels like, nothing feels like you

Baby we even when we're miles apart You'll always stay inside my heart Let me tell you no one else will do 'Cause baby nothing feels like you~

Ahhhhh crap! I bolted to my locker, I'm gonna be late for 1st period and after what happened yesterday with Austin, It threw me off this morning and to be honest, I didn't really want to be on time for school...I just wanted the hallways to be clear, I can't deal with crazies!

CLEARLY...I BROKE UP with him, and then he UN-BREAKS us up...WHO DOES THAT? No one sane, that's for sure!

I grabbed a book out of my locker and closed it shut.

Happy Accident (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now