If I Ain't Got You

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***Gomez-Lovato Residence***

Lauren’s P.O.V.

Demi and I both sat at the dining table, both submerged in our work, mine from my courses, but to be truthful, that wasn’t all I was drowning in. I was flooded with every emotion possible and I couldn’t be on my own, I’ve been spending the week at Demi’s and Selena’s, glad my best friend was more than welcoming. She’s the best! I haven’t seen or talked to Camila much of this week, which I’m sure was my fault, yes I’ve been busy, but I needed some time to clear my head, make a decision about US.


I looked at my phone as it continued to buzz on the table, slowly moving around, almost in a circular motion. My green eyes landing on the screen as it illuminated, the name on the screen read…

::CAMZ <3::

I picked the phone up, staring at it for two buzzes, the name continuing to flash in front of me, my eyes still on the lit up screen…

::CAMZ <3::

I missed her, I miss EVERYTHING about her, but I needed more time. My eyes remained on my phone’s screen as the call went to voicemail…

::4 Missed Calls::

I can feel a set of eyes glaring at me, drilling, questioning whether letting those last four phone calls go to voicemail was a good idea, ME TOO….me too, I let out a sigh, “what?” I looked up, meeting my best friend’s eyes.

SERIOUSLY?” She perked an eyebrow, “why don’t you just talk to her?” she crossed her arms, she was right.

I squirmed in my seat, “I have been talking to her…” kind of, sort of, I mean I’m not avoiding her altogether, just her phone calls…I NEED MORE TIME and I’m busy with school work, at least I keep telling myself that.

“Really?” her tone questioning, she knew I wasn’t completely truthful, “you’ve been TALKING to her? Text messages don’t count Lauren.”

“I know,” she looked at me, almost asking DO YOU KNOW, “I KNOW, I just, I need more time,” I shook my head, swallowing the anxiousness that built itself up in the last minute, “I haven’t heard back from them, I don’t want to talk to her on the phone, see her and NOT KNOW…I should hear back by the end of this week.”

She flashed me a sympathetic smile, reaching across for my hand, squeezing it, “you really love her, don’t you?”

A subtle smile appeared on my face, my heart swelling with thoughts of her, “yeah, I do.”


***Spring Formal, Friday***

I looked myself over in the mirror, my dress looked great, all my friends are here, great music playing and finals are over, it should be a magical night, but it doesn’t feel that way. I’m here with someone I don’t want to be with and I haven’t seen Lauren all week; we haven’t even spoken to each other at all. Last text I got from her was her telling me that everything between us is fine, not to worry and that she loved me. Well, it’s hard not to worry when I haven’t seen or spoken to her. I haven’t looked into those emerald eyes, kissed her soft, plump lips, it’s hard not to feel like something’s wrong, but I have to trust her and I have to believe in us…I DO.  I reapplied my lipstick, looking myself over once again, I exhaled, tonight SHOULD be magical…where’s the magic? Where’s Lauren? Where’s my magic.

Happy Accident (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now